My new avatar...I'm just gonna do it.


Well-known member
<<<~~~~ I decided to add a full reveal of my face in my how do I look?

Remember know I am sensitive to how people think of lie if you have too.



Well-known member
Well then I guess I'm not good at guessing age. :lol: I'm not too good at recognizing faces either. :(


Well-known member
Glad you added an avatar. I'm trying to get people on this site to add them so it's easier to identify people.

Is that picture of you your computer's wallpaper? That's very narcissistic of you.



Well-known member
35 by the way......yup it is my PC background right now....I actualy am kind of ok with the way that photo turned out...for the first time in years...I can look at a pic of myself & not go "Oh my God...that is yucky"

As far as being full of myself...Nah.... I am just finaly becoming more comfortable with myself I guess cause of my ongoing weight loss....Of course I stil see lots more room for improvement.


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
35 by the way......yup it is my PC background right now....I actualy am kind of ok with the way that photo turned out...for the first time in years...I can look at a pic of myself & not go "Oh my God...that is yucky"

As far as being full of myself...Nah.... I am just finaly becoming more comfortable with myself I guess cause of my ongoing weight loss....Of course I stil see lots more room for improvement.

Diet advice: skip breakfast. I never eat breakfast and am skinny. I do have a fast metabolism, however. I think once your body gets used to not eating breakfast, you won't get hungry in the morning. Will definitely help you lose weight. I know, I know, breakfast is supposedly the most important meal of the day... we'll I've skipped it for over 10 years (mostly) and am healthy.


I think skipping breakfast isnt the best idea... its the meal which is supposed to set you up for the day but each to there own i guess.And 2crowded i cant comment much with being a guy and straight and all :lol: But you look really friendly and aproachable :) Look really chilled out and laid back... i know that might sound wierd from just looking at a picture but thats the impression i get.


Well-known member
Diet advice: skip breakfast. I never eat breakfast and am skinny.

That's the worst diet advice I've heard in awhile...You will trick your stomach into thinking you're starving it. It will then turn everything you eat from then on (lunch and dinner) into fat. So ya, I wouldn't do that!

But, judging by your picture, you look like an average guy! And, like someone else said before me, you do look very cuddleable! Your cute little cheeks :D


Well-known member
I'm feelin' all warm & cuddly all made my day alot better....I needed some cuddlin'


Here's what I'm tryin' to get back to as far as looks.... Pretty sure I may never pull that off again, but anyway this is what I used to look like when I was 18-20


Me on the left...My friend Chris on the right

Minus the hairdew of course....I had to edit this in since I'm already at 7 posts for today.... oh well.


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
I'm feelin' all warm & cuddly all made my day alot better....I needed some cuddlin'


Here's what I'm tryin' to get back to as far as looks.... Pretty sure I may never pull that off again, but anyway this is what I used to look like when I was 18-20


Me on the left...My friend Chris on the right

Acckkk! Mullet alert! Mullet alert!


Well-known member
Drivemycar said:

That's the worst diet advice I've heard in awhile...You will trick your stomach into thinking you're starving it. It will then turn everything you eat from then on (lunch and dinner) into fat. So ya, I wouldn't do that!

Is that really true? Sounds like an urban legend. I have very low body fat, BTW.


Active member
Let's see some current pictures, I bet you look a lot cooler.

About this whole diet conversation that is going on, it's really all about calories in verses calories out. Just work off what you eat and you'll be fine.
When I first was scrolling down and saw the pic, I thought it was a picture of legendary comedian Bill Hicks.


Not a good pic for comparison, but if you saw a video of him performing, the top of the face looks pretty identical.


Well-known member
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
Drivemycar said:

That's the worst diet advice I've heard in awhile...You will trick your stomach into thinking you're starving it. It will then turn everything you eat from then on (lunch and dinner) into fat. So ya, I wouldn't do that!

Is that really true? Sounds like an urban legend. I have very low body fat, BTW.

Not eating breakfast is the worst possible advice when you want to lose weight. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it's the first thing you put in your body once the day starts, which means that you should eat something healthy (fruit, cereal and so on). Also, starving yourself is a bad idea because your body will not burn fat but muscle because it goes in search of the 'yummiest' nutrients.


Well-known member
I agree it's a nice pic :)

oh and I'm the same as "IWouldPreferNotTo"...eating breakfast can often make me feel more hungry later on, but I try most days :D