My new avatar...I'm just gonna do it.


Well-known member
Not eating breakfast will make you tired and grumpy. Eating small, healthy meals every 3 hours and eating healthy food in general, is a much better way to lose weight for someone who normally eats too much.

Speaking from experience here. If you skip meals and go a long time without food, you'll crave junk food/snacks, and plenty of it. It's harder to stop eating then.


Well-known member
I've read some of his previous posts. He's lost 145 lbs in 11 mos. so whatever he's doing (for breakfast) must be working. That takes a lot of will power and good job 2Crowded!


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Well-known member
About what I eat & when I eat it:

Here is an example of what I eat every day:

Breakfast- 1 banana, 1 Thick & Creamy lite yogurt, 1 boiled egg.

Lunch- 1 banana, 1 Thick & Creamy yogurt, 1 boiled egg, & a High Protien Slimfast meal bar.

Dinner- 1 big bowl of hearts of romain lettuce, topped with "Free Zesty Italian" dressing, 2 sliced boiled eggs, shedded cheese, & grilled chicken strips, I also eat another yogurt/or banana as well. In between meals I may grab a handful of raisons or a spoonful of peanut butter.

Some other dinner items I incorperate are a Turkey sandwich on whole wheat with lite dressing, or a 6 inch turkey sub from Subway, or canned corn, or 2 Baked breaded flounder that I make into a sandwich with of course Whole wheat bread.

The main thing is I make sure I never over eat.. & if I feel at all like I may have just a tad, I make myself pay for it by doing extra time on the bike. And as far as drinks go, water, water, water, & a glass of V-8 Fusion Lite. I take a multi vitamin twice a day as well.

There are lots of different flavors of the yoplait(not sure of the spelling) lite yogurt to choose from too so you can keep your taste buds happy & they are surprisingly good & good for you & they only have 100 calories each if you get the lite.

So basicly I am staying roughly at or below 1500 calories a day with the things I mentioned above, and it's working for me, it's not always fun of course, but the results make it worth it.


2Crowded said:
<<<~~~~ I decided to add a full reveal of my face in my how do I look?

Remember know I am sensitive to how people think of lie if you have too.


Don't be worrying about your looks, you like fine to me man. You'd blend easily in a crowd. I for one am pale and have insanely blond hair, and blend in the crowd I do not!


Good for you for posting your pic! That takes nerve. I have a very good friend Imet online, have been friends for maybe three years, and I still have only sent her a very small, vague pic of myself.

As for the weight lose thing... try exercise!


Well-known member
i dropped like 25 pounds in a 3 weeks over the summer. i did it by eating only 3 meals a day, all relatively healthy, and running everyday. i cut out all snacks and desserts for this time, and after i was done, i got tons of compliments :)
now i keeps this up, by eating fairly unhealthy, but working out on a daily basis. best of luck with your diet!
oh, and guestimate the amount of calories per day. i tried to in take about 1000-1500. i remember one day i burnt like 700 on the treadmill and ate like 500. i felt woozy, but also a sense of accomplishment haha.


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
Just an update for those of you who care or are interested in my progress..... I was down to 273 as of yesterday.


You are looking good. I'm so proud of you.


take this as a completement , you look better now , maybe its the stonewash !! when was that the late eighties early nineties , use to loooove stonewash myself , hehe