My lips tremble and my co-workers stare


New member

I found this group by searching "lips tremble in public," but I can't find the post when I search, so I apologize for staring a new thread on an old topic, but I am obsessing especially bad this eve. about a few of my coworkers who enjoy staring at my lips - which makes my lips shake more! They act as if I'm on drugs or something!

I am so glad I found this site. I have so much in common with many of you:

social phobia
nervous laughter
fear/longing of/for attention
fear/desire of/for isolation

Thank you for this website! It is the first time I haven't felt like the only one, and therefore doomed by some colossally bad karma.

With Kindness


Well-known member

Welcome :)

I have similar experiences when talking to people, but with my jaw. I feel I have to clench my teeth together to stop my jaw/mouth from trembling. I don't even know if it trembles or not, I think I am just paranoid about it, but I still don't know what to do with my mouth when people talk to me. I'm not sure whether to keep it partly open or close it completely. I just feel like when i'm talking people are starting at my mouth, and I look awkward and like you said, I think people think i'm on drugs, but it's just nerves. These kind of thoughts make me blush, which draws even more attention to my face, and it's just a cycle of paranoia repeating itself.

It's probably just in our own minds, but I still don't know how to stop myself from worrying and obsessing over it.

Anyways, I have a lot in common with you as well, I have OCD and SP, among other things.

Nice to meet you !


Well-known member
you are in the right place! welcome to more of your kind! i hope you find this forum beneficial and cathartic. :)


Well-known member
my chin quivers/trembles apparently. i don't feel it but when i'm talking to someone they may see it (some tell me and others don't). i have no idea when it's happening or what triggers it so when it does, i get so paranoid cuz there's nothing i can do to avoid it. i already feel awkward enuf as it is, i really don't need help in that dept. but apparently my chin disagrees.

welcome to the site/forums, i'm recently new too, i joined a few weeks ago.


Well-known member
I also have similar experiences with shaking/trembling. Sometimes my hands will shake. Sometimes I'll hold in my lips b/c I have full lips and I feel that people are staring at them. I really hate talking to somebody in close proximity b/c I feel like I'm being smothered and I need my space.