My Hyperhidrosis has gone away on its own


Hey guys,

I haven't posted on here in a while. I used to have really sweaty feet that would sweat all day and it was a pain. My hands would sweat from time to time. I would say I was a Mild/moderate sweater. Anyway, for the past 2 weeks I have noticed the sweating has totally subsided & this has had a big effect on me. I notice I am more calm and don't even think about sweating anymore. It is really weird. I don't quite understand what happened. I didn't change my lifestyle or start any treatments or anything like that. It is weird because I am used to having cold, damp feet for the majority of the day, but recently they are always dry and warm. It's strange to me, but in a good way. If u are curious I am 20 years old, male, and have had this problem constant for 3-4 years. This is the most relief I have had since before I started sweating.

I know all who are reading this have to deal with this issue on a daily basis. I wanted to share this because it is good news and can maybe give some of you hope. Maybe Hyperhidrosis can go away on its own for some of us. The body goes through many changes in ones life that can cause increased sweating. Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you all. I will keep you updated on how this continues. Good or Bad


Well-known member
Primary HH usually doesn't just disappear. I've had it for about 50 years. Secondary HH is usually caused by either another medical problem or brought on by a medication. Perhaps something has changed your life health wise or medication wise.

It's great that the HH suddenly stopped, but that's not the norm.


Active member
That's great news! Have you changed anything diet/health/medication wise? I agree with Sprawling that it's likely yours was secondary to a medical condition. When did you start sweating? I've had hyperhidrosis since age 7 and I'm 32 now so I don't think mine is is going away anytime soon but I still hope I'll find that magic bullet!


Well-known member
I agree. Chronic HH usually doesn't just disappear on it's own. Did you drastically cut back on caffeine or something like that? Whatever it was that made the change please try to find out what it was. We all want to know!