my experiences tonight


Well-known member
dicided to go out with drink with my friends it was going ok then the feelings of anxiety started everyone was just sitting there speaking to each other i was just siting with mu head down all night two girls came down that made me more anxious i had make an excuse to go home as i was beginning to sweat and felt a panic attack coming on i was drinking as well i wasnt really drunk the drink was making me depress its first time ive drunk in 8 months and tonights final straw never will i drink again i just think people think im a freak and a creep cuz im quiet ive had enough of this town if anyone wants to speak and share expirences im here to speak if any one from northern ireland wants to speak aswell im here i know its this place thats making me depressed i really just want to take a plane out of here


Well-known member
oh forgot to mention nothings change everyone was chatting about half time is drugs the downfall of society i dont judge people that take drugs its just not for me i really do think people think its impossible to be depressed and just look at me as a loser i really really have empathy for people on here aswell were in this together and well fight this together


Well-known member
people without depression or anxiety just don't understand, man. We understand you here. We know what you're dealing with and how hard it can be. Nobody has sympathy for people like us because they think we're just emo or something but it's deeper than that. Though I don't think meds will help. I was down that road with Adderall, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Provigil, and like 4 others. Nothing really helped and I'll never go on meds again.

I can't go out to drink with friends (what friends anyway right? lol) but on the rare occasion that I do go out to drink alone at a bar, I don't want anyone to talk to me. Eye contact freaks me out.

Glad you decided to stop drinking. That's good!


Well-known member
If drinking social is not for you, don't force yourself to go just because you think it will help your anxiety. If you don't enjoy it, it's not helping you. Can you not hang out with your friends other times than this? Maybe ask to hang out with each one individually for a coffee, movie... etc (pick your fave people and place..)... It's much more easier to talk than in a group... Don't worry if you haven't got anything to say for now, but if that is becoming a problem for a long time, maybe try finding friends with similar hobbies.

I understand what you mean. A lot of 'normal' people do not understand people with depression and anxiety... Basically they think it's stupid, irrational, and think they should stop moaning and get on with life. (I've been told this a lot mind you..) But obviously they haven't been through it to understand their pain, it's an illness, not just some phase. I know it's easy to feel rejected, but try not to think of that too much, a lot of people are really nice, but just don't understand it easily... Think about it, if you were them and never had to deal with any problems like this, you'd probably think the same.


Well-known member
drinking isn't for everyone i guess so if you've quit that's fair enough I only drink rarely by myself. So when you say "two girls came down" did they talk to you or did you just see them?


Well-known member
one i think mad e a sneaky comment she said y u been in house so long do u just play cod (call of duty) like he thinks im a nerd do play ps3 but not a lot thats another thing i hate i thin i get stereotyped as a nerd even tho i dont look like one as i got a shaven head which i like


Well-known member
That happens to me at least once a month. Hell, it happened to me just yesterday. I went out with my department for drinks and snacks. About 30 or 40 mins into the thing, one guy sitting close to me got up and left to sit closer to the other guys through because of how dull it was on my side of the table!

I think the worst part is when you first realize you're losing your social momentum...and then you fall silent. It's almost impossible to recover from a long silence; you have to be part of the conversation all during the night...which, for us, is tough.

But I think the thing that makes me most bitter is that people rarely (if EVER) ask me questions or direct conversations at me at the table, despite the fact that I'm very good at building up conversations.

Again, just today, we had a huge meeting at work and questions were being tossed all over the table. The ONLY question I got asked was about what I do for the company, and it was after I asked a girl who barely gave me an answer (I was probably asked out of pity!)