Music requests?


Well-known member
Ok guitaring, singing etc people - anyone up to doing requests?

I'd love to hear a cover of 'Everybody Hurts' - REM

LoL sometimes you crack me up, once i think you asked for dance numbers? yes:D
so nice to break up the tedium. I think I have to paint walls soon, wish me luck :p


Well-known member
I'd love to hear a cover of stairway to heaven. Ever the optimist lol, I should probably come up with something more realistic

I did one of those in college for my Religions of the World class instead of just giving a boring lecture. Right now, though, I couldn't do justice to such an awesome song.

Plus, my voice isn't the greatest. And I still haven't figured out how to program drum lines in Reaper. And my acoustic guitar has terrible action.