More shy talking to people with my parents


Well-known member
I've noticed that when i am with my parents i feel much more shy when talking to people we know and when ordering in restaurants etc. When i am alone i feel that there is no one to watch me talk to people, I talk with a little bit more ease to people.

I don't know why this is. I just feel embarassed to have my parents with me watching my every move, i also feel i am an embarassment to my parents and that they are dissapointed with me although they tell me otherwise.

I remember my mum used to watch me when i was younger talking on the phone when applying for jobs etc and she would correct me which brought on a feeling a shame, so perhaps this is one factor?


Well-known member
i feel more shy with my parents because theyre more outgoing than me so if i'm with them.. it's like a ticket for me not to talk.. :p


Well-known member
I also am more shy with my parents then alone. Probably the need for 'socially performing'. Which results is the best screw-ups I ever had ! Hmm no really, my most screwy screw up was in school..offcourse !


Well-known member
I just don't like my parents to butt in my stuff. They've never had time to care what I was doing, and so I got used that they're not there for me.

But when I hang out with them, I feel like they're crossing my line of privacy. The things they don't need to care about, suddenly they want to know and they want me to be talkative in restaurants. When I order, and I'm quiet, they always blame me and tell how quiet I am, but they don't know the me when they're not around.

Sometimes, I'm so angry at them, for doing all sorts of things wrong, but I love them at the same time. They're not bad parents, but they just couldn't handle socializing with me well because of their jobs.


That's actually EXTREMELY normal. So it's not anything to worry about :)

I'm taking a Sociology class right now, and basically what you're feeling is a "status" effect on the way you socialize when you're with your parents. AKA you're there son. And your "role" is to act more cautious around them. If you pay attention you'll find out depending on who you associate with your "roles" will change.

Imagine you were on a tour bus doing a job for a band full of rock stars partying with groupies. WOULD YOUR ROLE BE CAUTIOUS THEN?! lol. HARDLY!

You wanna change your role, AKA the way you socialize, you gotta change your environment.


Active member
I hate talking to somebody (in public also) when someone watching me just like my parents, brother (or someone else from my family) or someone from my work. I hate talking to by phone/mobile/cellphone/portable telephone etc. when somebody is besides me.
It is stressful.
same her they have a negative impact on me since they usually are very critical, your parts are too judgemental and you fear "failing" in front of them ,my parents make everything more complicated because they don't know how to motivate me in a good way.