Mods - a suggestion


Well-known member
I made a post a while back about excessive negativity on the forum and received several PMs about it. After some contemplation, I come to you with this suggestion.

I think this forum is good for those looking for empathy (a very important part of the healing process is to know that others understand and experience similar problems). However I think the negativity on the forum is detrimental to those trying to solve their SP. I think the negativity is because a lot of us here lack self-confidence and emphasize self-pity. That's fine, and it can even be healthy to express these views.

However, it's not going to help us solve our SP.

I propose a new forum, called "Functional Help". It would,

* Be a place where "less shy" people go for aid in social situations. By "less shy" I mean people who can leave the house, hold a conversation, but are just really shy and anxious and maybe have few friends. I think people who are "more shy" frequently need different kinds of help that may include medication or therapy. "Less shy" people can often make progress with specific suggestions - they simply haven't learned to interact socially.

* Be a place that is aggressively moderated to edit negative or pitying replies. If someone desires this kind of empathy, they can post in the main forum. You can make me a mod of this forum if you're so inclined, or you could just moderate this forum differently or more aggressively.

* Be a place where specific "missions" and "schools" can be conducted to get people socializing off of the internet and in real life. For instance, maybe people sign up in a thread to start a conversation with 3 strangers this week. They could then reply and help each other out with progress reports and such.

* Be a place to exchange strategies on dealing with people and specific social situations. It could even be a place to exchange popular topics of conversation. "Where you're from" and "What you do" always come up when you're first meeting people, for instance. We can teach each other to have cool and interesting replies to questions such as this.

Again, I think this would need to be done in a new forum, because the attitude would be different. As I said I have nothing against this forum in fact it has helped me greatly. However, while I found a lot of sympathy and empathic people here, I did not find much functional help - I had to read and develop ways to help myself. I hope others can have better resources.

To be clear, I have made a lot of progress in my SP, but I have some way to go still.

Thank you for your consideration!! :)


Well-known member

Lovin ya work.

Great idea, i've been thinking about the same sort of thing for a while as a few others probably have also.

I think this site is great for people discussing how they feel about their life and the kind of experiences they have to deal with, its a place for support.

This functional help site i believe would work well for anyone who was interested in really facing their anxiety and phobia head on, i believe it takes a lot to get to that stage because anxiety is soooo deceptive in making us believe it is the world and others that we are scared of instead of just being a state of mind we are experiencing.

A forum for listening, learning and study to overcome and discuss proactive solutions to our problems. Great!

Lets get it on!



Well-known member
Who is the chief admin or owner of the forum? I'd like to send this to them to make sure they see it.


Well-known member
Completely agree, Falcon.

Any threads containing good, practical advice tend to disappear off the scene too quickly and are probably lost to nearly everyone, particularly newcomers.

I'm sure that most of us, when we first discover that we have SA and find this forum, are glad to finally talk with other sufferers about their experiences and need a bit of sympathy.

But there comes a point when we need to start making real steps in helping ourselves, taking some risks in life, pushing ourselves into social situations which bring about those anxious feelings that have preventing us from living a normal life.

Personally, I've been waiting for over a year to get group CBT locally, but there appears to be nothing doing. I feel that having other people who are in the same boat as you, all trying together to get better by gradually exposing themselves to more challenging situations, would be one of the best motivating factors. Having an internet forum is possibly the next best thing to proper group therapy (indeed, may be preferable for some who would be too anxious to attend a real group).

When people are actively working together, comparing notes, offering advice as they together push to extricate themselves from SA, they're surely more likely to produce results.

Even better if there are people like Falcon, who have for years lived with SA, but have now escaped it's grip, yet are still willing to visit here to offer advice, rather than moving on with their new, happy life and leaving this forum for good.

I think this is the single most important thing the forum lacks...a place where people actually get better.

Incidently Falcon, there's a "Feedback" link in the left margin which is possibly one way of contacting the site owner to ensure they see this thread. I'll drop them a line too.
Hey guys sorry it's taken so long for a mod to reply to this, I went to France for a week and got stuck there for almost 2 weeks! And I know the others have been really busy as well.

The webmaster is the owner of this site and he is the only one who can actually make new forums. I do like the idea of having a forum specifically for practical advice on situations without the negative aspect. I also agree that negative comments and replies in the forum should be advised against, but I don't really agree with the more 'agressive' moderating that you're suggesting. Asking them to express their feelings of negativity in another section of the forum first and then removing any purposefully disruptive posts that are repeatedly made seems like a good idea to me. Plus if we put a sticky at the top of the page asking for positive support and help only most people would respect that I think.

I will put it to the webmaster if you would like and see what he says :D

Thanks for the suggestion :D


Great ideas.
Rename the site to
Marginalize the members who truly suffer from SA so as not to interfere with the "recovery" of the shy members.
Forget that some people have to hit bottom before they can start climbing to the top.
Ignore the fact you don't have to read negative posts.
Make the members who truly suffer from SA and low self esteem feel even worse about themselves.
Make them afraid to vent so as not to be judged by the "less shy" members.
Ignore the fact that no two people suffer from SA in the same way.
You already have a shyness forum.
Last but not least, it's a very bad idea to start segregating members based on the severity of their SA in any way, shape or form.
It wouldn't be segregating people, everyone would still be welcome on the board, but people who feel they need practical help would be able to post on one of the forums and recieve useful help without negativity.

It's not a case of who has worse SA, in a practical forum people could post about how to handle anything from the post arriving (which I personally used to have a big problem with) to giving a presentation in school.

The shyness forum is an entirely different section of the board, it's for people who feel shyness is more their issue than sa, or for people who have had something happen to them where their shyness came through ect.

No-one is being segregated or told that their sa is more severe or less severe than anyone else's, negative and emotional posts are needed for recovery but if we have a section forum specifically for people to get useful advice then all we are doing is widening our ability to give assistance. ANYONE would be welcome on that section of the forum to give advice, ask for advice. I think it's been seriously blown out of proportion lol.


Well-known member
I really like this idea. I'm defiantly not as shy as I use to be but I still need to work on certain things. Venting is a good quick fix, but it doesn't help in the long run. Keep us up to date if you decide to follow up with this idea!


Well-known member
The problem with venting (what a euphemism) is that, in the long term, it adds to anxiety by emphasising negatives. Other positives are filtered out.


Well-known member
How do you define negativity? For example, some people need to know that they aren't going to get better unless they get a kick up the bum. It's all well and good being caring and loving towards others, but that won't solve things alone, you need to put into place some action steps that will need to occur before they get better.


Well-known member
I agree with you on the paint that maybe this forum helps us to feel understood, but doesn't solve our SP. I'm very shy, but I'm willing to join that new forum if there's one:)