Thanks for your point of view. I will answer them. They are very helpful. Thank you so much.
Falkor, I think that you are approaching things the wrong way. That you are too heavily influenced by incorrect standards.
Yes there are many ways to find why I am transgender. Not just one perspective. You are right.
Like, the first question is: why do you think that you might be male? Do you long for having a male body and dislike your feminine physique? Then, depending how strong those desires are, yes, you might be transgender. You might want to find some support groups to get some impressions. And if you suffer too much, a therapist might be a first step.
Yes, my body is the biggest part of the Trans issue. I could consider myself being dysphoric about it. I don't really like my genital down there and I also got abused in the past, so it could be linked, all though I never really was proud of my feminine genitals/boobs and especially not the period. I never was happy about it, like truely confident and saying ''This is me''. When I was in puberty, I was mad about getting boobs, extremely mad. And I hated the day when people asked me about the woman monthly cycle, I was terrified and hated it. , but down there I cannot really relate to. (I also had a time I didn't want something there down there cus I wanted a penis so I couldn't be raped unwillingly. but yet I also feel weird about having a vagina anyway, It's not my kind of cookie). And I just feel more strong to be a man. I like to be muscled a bit and I sometimes wish I could swim without a shirt and I could experience being a man. I dream of it a lot. So this is a sign. And I meet a lot of transppl, online. Met two recently in real, one was a FTM, a very good friend now. And a MTF, Who actually likes me as a man lol. >_<
Or is it your character? Do you think that your emotions, behavior, and the like, do not fit to what the society you live in considers decent for a woman? In that case, you are not necessarily transgender. I suggest to learn to focus on what you want and how to achieve it, how to surround yourself with friends who accept and love you the way you are.
No it's actually the other way around. I do think I belong in the emotional world of women, because I am SO sensetive. I always feel the need to talk, so that makes me acceptable as a woman. I think as a man this could be a hard world to be in. But all though, if I look at behaviours, I am very much like a guy, but yet a woman if comes to some degree.
Or is it about how you want to be perceived? Do you dislike to be perceived as a woman? Then... well, I don't know if it's actually about your gender but about your society.
Well perceived isn't really the thing. I don't mind what people think I am. At that point I'm not really worrying. It's my own perceive, all though I do want my girlfriend to be finding me attractive, she likes me as a nice woman. And that does give me confidence, all though i Have struggles with my body. She kinds of makes it easier for me. But I do like to be seen as a strong masculine but yet sensetive woman/man.
Or maybe you just have a strong masculine side? Then you should embrace it, draw strength from it and benefit from it.
Yea I could consider it as being living ''both of two worlds''
So that's good indeed but sometimes a little confronting what other people think of me. So androgyn, not a boy, not yet a woman :').
But I don't know you well. I'm just guessing here. When I was a teenager, I considered being transgender myself.
It's okay really, I haven't been here for a while and I am guessing you are new. I welcome you on here, and I have been here for years, but recently haven't been here for really 3 months or so. And uhm, yeah, I think most of the ppl who knew me would be shocked that I think I'm possibly trans. I hate when people would judge me, and dislike me because they liked the woman I am, they will be shocked. But it's okay I need to accept msyelf too.
And wow okay, how did you came to realise that you were transgender/ or are? and did you do anything with it? like visiting professionals or really changing, or accepting your body?
Greetzs. Falkor.