Memory Loss?


New member
Hello Everyone,

I know for a fact i suffer from SP, but i also have a bad memory sometimes. Sometimes i watch tv, and forget the names of characters in the program i'm watching, or after i meet peope i forget their name almost immediately after we depart.

At work i tend to misplace things a lot and it seems like there's just a lot on my mind alot of anxiety and worrying.

Does anyone else have a wierd memory?


Well-known member
yes , my memory is quite fuzzy these days . I can easily rember what had been going on 15+ years ago but sometimes i dont know what i have eaten for breakfast : [


Well-known member
ForNever said:
Hello Everyone,

I know for a fact i suffer from SP, but i also have a bad memory sometimes. Sometimes i watch tv, and forget the names of characters in the program i'm watching, or after i meet peope i forget their name almost immediately after we depart.

At work i tend to misplace things a lot and it seems like there's just a lot on my mind alot of anxiety and worrying.

Does anyone else have a wierd memory?
i kinda have something similar, where i experience more like a lack of 'common sense' when i'm out, and really anxious. Like stuff that's really obvious, easy to figure out..can just baffle me. For example, i can be looking for something at the grocery store, and its right in front of my friggin face..but i can't find it..i guess because the anxiety kind of clouds up my mind..and judgement..? :roll:


I also wonder how good my memory really is. Most of the time I can't remember what I wore or ate a few days ago. When someone asks me what exactly I did during the day I can tell that I read a lot of webpages but it's difficult to recount much of the information I read. It feels like all the time just zipped by unused.
Poor memory might be caused by depression. I wanted to mention that because many people with SA also have depression.


Well-known member
My memory is getting very bad but I think it's depression. I'm always misplacing things and every time I walk out to my car, I forget to bring my keys. I'll go in one room to get something, then forget why I went in there. I do that all day and it's really annoying. I feel so incompetent.


Well-known member
My memory isn't really good and I'm not old either. But I often forget what it was I'm getting. Sometimes I have to walk back and forth to remind me why am I walking somewhere in the first place and when I walk back to where I started I finally remember.


Well-known member
Yes, I have the same problem. Forgetting things, not being able to see things which are in front of my face.. I'm also very slow, and I sometimes drop things out of my hand etc. etc.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
Yes, I have the same problem. Forgetting things, not being able to see things which are in front of my face.. I'm also very slow, and I sometimes drop things out of my hand etc. etc.

OMG, that sounds just like me. I feel like my thoughts are moving through molasses, and my reactions have also gotten slow. This has happened to me within the past couple of years - I wasn't always like this. Have you also only recently gotten this way?


Well-known member
I think anxiety has a lot to do with having problems with making things stick to memory. The best example I can give is when I meet someone for the first time, and completely forget their name, usually after about five seconds.


Well-known member
Foxglove said:
OMG, that sounds just like me. I feel like my thoughts are moving through molasses, and my reactions have also gotten slow. This has happened to me within the past couple of years - I wasn't always like this. Have you also only recently gotten this way?
I wasn't always like this either. I've had these problems for about a year and a half.


Well-known member
After about age 25, my mind really started screwing up. There were even a few times when I was driving, that I actually didn't know where I was! Thankfully that it only happened once, but I still get times when I can't read anything for a certain amount of time. Doctors have told me that it is ADD, but it only really happens when I get upset. And i'm starting to lose some long term memory now, sucks. Losing memory, heck, i'm losing my brain!


Well-known member
having a rubbish memory sucks. I'm terrible with peoples names, they can tell me there name but a few seconds later i've most likely forgotten it. I am dyslexic as well and apparently poor memory is linked with this.


Yep me too. My little theory is that all the grey matter that should be processing memories is occupied on things like whether that person coming down the sidewalk thinks I look like a dork.


Well-known member
Yeah my bad memory has been a big problem for me too. Its seems I am already on the back foot because of SP and the memory problems doesn't help.

Its most apparent at work.. of course remembering things being said during meetings etc very difficult. But the weird thing is even when I am reading documents on my own is I just can't remember things.

Every time I speak to a doctor about it they say it because of my SP. They certainly can't offer a solution. I think in my case my forgetfulness is probably inherited and SP aggravates the problem. Last 10 years it has seem to have got worse. I don't know if its the SP or the meds I have taken. AFAIK Moclobemide is not meant to have any side-effects on memory, but after somebody (in another forum) said that they had memory problems after taking it , I am beginning to think the same.



Well-known member
I don't have the best memory these days. Some things I can remember so clearly like it just happened yesterday but other things not so much. I'm particularly bad with dates. And I have those moments where I'm taking socks into the laundry room and catch myself right before I'm about to throw them in the trashcan. However, I am really good at remembering things like turning off the stove, checking to make sure the door is locked, etc... but I attribute that to OCD.
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Well-known member
I suspect I have a bad memory nowadays too and moreover some issues with reading, comprehending and solving problems. I think this phobia messes with our cognitive functions.