Making yourself do something


Well-known member
If you want to do something you're scared of and you know will tire you, maybe even going to the shops or something depending on how used to it you are and how bad your SA is, how do you get the energy to go out and actually do it rather than put it off again and again and again? Do any of you have anything that you do to psych yourself up for things?


AJ - I get this way a lot! I have the worst time going to the store and other places. I really have a hard time psyching myself up to do things, but if I absolutely HAVE to, I will listen to a song I really love to feel better. I have found that listening to music before I have to do something I dread really helps. I hope you are able to find something that helps you, as well.


Well-known member
I usually start by just getting ready to get out, and then pushing myself outside as I go through the actions. Tell yourself that it's just your body going through the actions, your mind doesn't have to be there. Just do, just do, dont' think. I use music, also, as metaphor suggested. Sometimes it helps to tell yourself that you can only have music when you're outside at certain hours or something (if you have an Mp3) because then you have something to look forward to when you step out the door. Usually I only go out when I HAVE to.... Like for food. Although, have not been out lately at all.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone, I've done all of that in the past so at least I wasn't going too wrong. I will try to do it more and see how it goes. I do find that as soon as you start analysing it's pretty much fatal for going out.


Well-known member
Thinking definately causes problems. If I think too much about it I will only get more anxious, so I try to just do it. Doesn't always work but I try anyway. I find that if I have already done something I am proud of, I have the momentum to go for it. If I have not done much for a while, it makes it so much harder.
For the thing I have to go to, in terms of necessity and anti-isolation, I use discipline to stay on-course. I make a plan, and stick to that plan no matter what. Especially in most of our cases, we'll find some reason not to go, which will end up hurting us more over time.

You have to make sort of a mission out of it, because lets face it, for the most of us, it really is.


Well-known member
I don't do anything in particular to psyche myself up except for the occasional positive/rational affirmation. I normally just do it (whatever that may be) before I start making excuses not to. None of my friends were doing anything last night, but I wanted to go out so I got dressed and went to the pub on my own. As I was getting ready, I was about to begin talking myself out of it, but I pressed on regardless. I told myself that I wasn't getting ready for nothing and I wouldn't be too proud of myself if I simply quit right then and there. I've done that for far too long and I've had enough of scaring myself out of doing things.