Making decisions


Well-known member
Anyone else feel like they have severe trouble when it comes to making a decisions or choosing between A and B? No matter what I have to choose between, wether it's something meaningless or something horribly important I often find myself unable to decide. I'll get stuck for hours, days or even weeks thinking about the options before I can go for something. If I haven't decided what I want for dinner by the time I reach the store, you can be certain that you'll see me wandering around in my own world while I try to decide between meat and fish.

The worst part of it is probably that it takes all the fun out of my life. When I'm doing stuff I know I should enjoy, I'm stuck thinking about if I should perhaps do something else. If I sit by the computer, I start thinking about playing the guitar for a while. Then as soon as I pick up the guitar it will be the other way around. I've actually spent the entire day trying to decide which online game I want to play. Not really playing either of them, just trying to make a decision about which one I want to sit down and have fun with. And well, when I get to the point where i sit down you can be damn sure there won't be much fun since I'll be haunted by the thought of having picked the wrong thing and that the other option would be more fun.

So please, someone decide what I want for dinner tomorrow.


Well-known member
I was going to suggest a dinner for you tomorow, but then i couldn't decide what to post...oh well.


Well-known member
I'm extreamly indecisiver and if and when I make a decession I spend forever thinking about wheter or not I made the right decission


Well-known member
Ya...that's me to a T. I always have to get other people to decide for me, or just get everyone else's opinions in fear of making the wrong choice.