Make my own problems


Well-known member
When ever I try to tell my anxiety problems to my Mom she gets aggrivated and tells me I create my own problems...well yeah, that's how people with anxities act.
Anyone else get this?


Well-known member
My mom is the same!!! I can't talk to her about my depression or social anxiety. I've told her I might commit suicide and she says, "go ahead and do it."
WTF??!! what kind of mother is she?? I hate my life... God, if you exist, please strike me down.

I've given up...


Well-known member
My mom gets pissed because I act "strange" and don't talk.
Also, my phobias annoy her.
I'm probably bi-polar schiszo, like my sister.


Well-known member
My mother just tells me ''You're probably just tired, and need more sleep''

For fuck sakes! How much more sleep do i need to get over this!