maelc; casdlnva;sd


Active member
could anybody say what goes through they're mind when having to be around people and talking.

I desperately try to think of ways to make people see me as the sort of person I'd like to imagine I am.
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Well-known member
Now I'm going to screw up, why are they looking at me that way, they must think I'm an idiot, I hope they don't talk to me, When can I get out of here, they probably laugh at me behind my back, I'll never be as popular as them


Well-known member
Did I sound stupid?why did i just say that?? what do they think of me? do they dislike me or think im boring,dumb, weird?
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Ugh...I just messed up again. Why can't I do anything right? I'm such an idiot. Oh awkward awkward, why can't i think of anything to say. I'm soo boring.....


Well-known member
"i wonder what she looks like naked"

exactly. and "i wonder if he's good in bed."

"wonder if i have anything in my nose or teeth"

"did i turn off the iron this morning?" "hope my house doesn't burn to the ground." "i put those 'rescue my dogs' stickers on the people really pay attention to that?"
"i need to stop talking to this person and go home and save my burning house and dogs."


Well-known member
Now I'm going to screw up, why are they looking at me that way, they must think I'm an idiot, I hope they don't talk to me, When can I get out of here, they probably laugh at me behind my back, I'll never be as popular as them
Did I sound stupid?why did i just say that?? what do they think of me? do they dislike me or think im boring,dumb, weird?
Ugh...I just messed up again. Why can't I do anything right? I'm such an idiot. Oh awkward awkward, why can't i think of anything to say. I'm soo boring.....
...and this. And all just the first second. My mind works really fast when thinking negatively.

V and that :p
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Well-known member
"I look awful compared to everyone here."

"They must think I'm weird."

"Why did they just look at me?"

*someone talks to me or asks me a question off guard*
Me: O.O *mind instantly goes blank (even if a second ago I was deep in thought)*

"I need to get out of here..."

"Do I look okay?"

"Everyone's watching me./I can't go over there, everyone will watch me."

"I can't say that, they'll laugh at me/they'll think I'm stupid."

"I wish I could talk like them. Why can't I? Why am I so afraid?"
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Active member
i usually joke around, dirty jokes most of the time :p , just put yourself in their position, and if you feel like you're under pressure and that you SHOULD say something, it's better to not say anything at all :p


Well-known member
I've found the easiest way to get along with the guys at work is to just jokingly act gay to them, i dunno if it's something that wouldn't have worked a certain number of years ago but it's pretty good right now. and also i could so get addicted to a few pints before anything social, ridiculously good at bringing out who you really are. I was stroking a wasp earlier, it liked it, and i even until recently had a phobia of wasps, wish they could make the good effects of alcohol into a pill.