made up plans today


Well-known member
I feel bad for lying and saying I was out when I wasn't. Have you ever done this? :( I was invited to a party and said I was already at a friends house because we had plans earlier but it was canceled. So pretended I was there anyway.. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
if happens that i get invited to some place a part of me wish so bad to go there but the other part of me is scary and my SA wins =( so i invent excuses about that i'm already busy or maybe have already to go to some place even if is not true =| or maybe i just say "i ll message u back telling if ill come just because i dont wanna say no in that moment but by message...


Well-known member
Try not to feel to bad about lying its your choice if you want to go out or not. I've never had to lie about being busy. Because I guess I'm lucky to have absolutely no friends to ask me to go out with them and meet up.


Well-known member
if happens that i get invited to some place a part of me wish so bad to go there but the other part of me is scary and my SA wins =( so i invent excuses about that i'm already busy or maybe have already to go to some place even if is not true =| or maybe i just say "i ll message u back telling if ill come just because i dont wanna say no in that moment but by message...

yea like I feel bad also for not attending because i dont like meeting a friends friend because it's uncomfortable.. even with alcohol I still get called shy it's so emotionally difficult.. lol Another exuse would be "my phone was off at the time" :D


Well-known member
Try not to feel to bad about lying its your choice if you want to go out or not. I've never had to lie about being busy. Because I guess I'm lucky to have absolutely no friends to ask me to go out with them and meet up.

Im not sure if I have real friends or they just feel bad for me because i keep getting commented on if I have a problem or something. If i stay away for awhile and come back they tend to forget if i seemed quiet the last time so that is what im doing now. I hope you can make friends though. I don't have a group to hangout with but im able to hangout one on one here and there. ;)


Well-known member
Someone said that you are truly free when you can decline this kind of offers without making up any excuse ::p:

If you don't want to go it's ok, but if you do it often people will stop inviting you, that was what happened to me...


Well-known member
I used to lie when people asked what I did for Thanksgiving (major U.S.A holiday that no one spends alone) and my birthday and those occasions where you're seen to be a freak show if you were alone.

I try not to lie anymore, mostly by avoiding having the question come up in the first place. When it does, I'll say things like "I had a me day." rather than "I'm a loserface who spent her birthday alone."

As for lying to get out of doing something social, I think it's okay if it's 'a little white lie.' Saying you're busy isn't even really a lie--you're busy doing something after all. You can also say "I'm not feeling up to it right now." or just "Nah, not today. Next time?" (even if you have no intention of doing it next time either).

On a related note, I hate going to parties. So I just don't.


I was invited to a party (the only invite this year) but it was themed and I wasn't interested in the theme (the theme was anime/manga and you had to dress up and they planned on watching anime/manga too). I didn't really talk to any of the people invited except a couple of them sometimes, and considering I wasn't interested in the theme I didn't go. At first I said I was, and I got my costume sorted, but then I was too scared and made up an excuse of being double-booked.

I only make excuses like that when I know I'm going to be excluded, left out and mostly ignored because it won't make me feel good. But if I'm invited to something, I'll usually force myself to go, because it's so rare I'm invited to anything at all.