

....Ive found Ive become more paranoid about ppl lying to me. With my panic disorder I have had to lie a lot about why I cant do things or reasons I have to leave a situation just to save the embarrassment of explaining everything or saying Im anxious (even though most ppl know). So now I think since I lie about stuff like that, anytime someone tells me a reason for something (good or bad) I think theyre lying. ie: was texting my friend and she never responded for a long time, then finally she responded and she said "sorry phone was dead"....yet I knew she was out I just automatically think shes lying or something is up.

Im not really asking anything......but just wondering if anyone else has this mild paranoia.


Well-known member
I tend to think the worst of people and think they're lying when there's no reason to think that at all. Even when it's completely opposite and not fluent with the character of the person, I'm really quick to question their intentions. At any rate, it's not at all healthy and will quickly ruin any relationship.


Active member
if somebody gives me a compliment or says anything positive about me i almost always think they are just lying to try to be nice, even if it doesnt make sense at all in context.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
In all honesty, I always keep that possibility in mind. I trust no one, except perhaps three trusted associates. To all else, I hold the view that they may be working towards their potential gain, not for my benefit. Therefore I trust no one, reveal nothing.


This is how bad people really lie to me. I thought I had a supportive family member in my oldest, 30 year old, brother (I'm 22). I'm on disability (SSI) because of my panic disorder, and the other night, while drunk, this "brother" of mine refers to this money as a "retard check," then tells me to cut the bull**** already, because life is hard, not easy. Luckily for his drunk ass he said this via text message or I would have shown him just how retarded I can be by breaking his jaw. Up until that point he had been nothing but supportive, but I suppose the alcohol brought out his true thoughts about my situation. His words make me question what the rest of my family and few friends think about me. With family like this, who needs enemies? Once I get myself out of debt in a year or so, I've got to leave this place. Too much drama for me. California sounds nice. Nicer than here at least...

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