
Well-known member
I've heard that there are people on this site that just "lurk" rather than post. Sooo..... calling all lurkers! Here's your chance to say 'hi'! That's all, just two letters: hi. You don't even have to capitalize it. If you haven't registered yet, do it for these two letters:
(And feel free to add anything else, like "You're a lunatic"....)


Hi. I've looked at this site about 10 times in the past couple of years. Sometimes I'm trying to figure out whether I have social phobia, and sometimes I wonder if it would be a good place to ask a question about where to go to meet people to other people who have difficulty with that.

After a few minutes of looking at the posts, I usually decide I don't really fit in here. It seems like everyone else here has a lot more social life, or they're teenagers in school. I start thinking things like, How can people here say they have social phobia or social anxiety and at the same time mention having friends or going to work or going to school? Why do they take seriously the idea that they have a disorder and need a diagnosis and might even have something abnormal about their brains so that it might even make sense to take drugs or some other extreme, health-risking treatment, when they are in fact living just like other people, going to school or work, having friends, going out and meeting people, and so on, they're just a little uncomfortable about it and think they could do better?

I know there are degrees of social phobia from shyness to severe anxiety symptoms, and having a social life doesn't mean that a person can't experience those symptoms. I guess that's something different from my experience, because I just see my girlfriend every day and haven't met anyone else for years, and I'm not really anxious about it or scared or anything like that. I'm just curious what I would do to meet anyone or what I'm supposed to do, because media like t.v. and the Internet here make it seem like it's normal, maybe expected, to have more social life than that.


Well-known member
Deathnote: Welcome and thanks for posting!

dottie and Scrabbl: How can you be "semi-lurking" and intermediate users???

sde: I'm surprised you saw the site like that. I feel like most people are much older than me (I'm 17). Many live like hermits, or just leave their house for work. Even the ones that do have friends tend to feel uncomfortable around them. I've seen complaints about hating to go somewhere with friends. It's different for everyone, as you pointed out, but your life seems to fit right in here.


Active member
I've been lurking a lot lately 'cause I'm too lazy to post in forums. :)

All that moving of the fingers and all. Too much work for me! :wink:


Well-known member
Come lurkers!! Be Bold! We want to hear from YOU! :D

Sde said:
After a few minutes of looking at the posts, I usually decide I don't really fit in here. It seems like everyone else here has a lot more social life, or they're teenagers in school. I start thinking things like, How can people here say they have social phobia or social anxiety and at the same time mention having friends or going to work or going to school? Why do they take seriously the idea that they have a disorder and need a diagnosis and might even have something abnormal about their brains so that it might even make sense to take drugs or some other extreme, health-risking treatment, when they are in fact living just like other people, going to school or work, having friends, going out and meeting people, and so on, they're just a little uncomfortable about it and think they could do better?

Hi Sde. Don't defeat urself b-4 giving urself a chance! Some people here are in a more sensitive state of SA than others. You'll fit in where You fit in! & you'll add something to the forum just by sharing ur thoughts & concerns. Maybe someone will learn from you or identify with u. Give urself an opportunity!


Well-known member

I joined the site a couple weeks ago. I think it's really good and there's a lot more people here posting than other sites i have been too. Haven't really said much. I like the chat room also.



Long time lurker here, I have been lurking since the beginning of the year and this thread just made me want to register and post!


Well-known member
Helyna said:
I've heard that there are people on this site that just "lurk" rather than post. Sooo..... calling all lurkers! Here's your chance to say 'hi'! That's all, just two letters: hi. You don't even have to capitalize it. If you haven't registered yet, do it for these two letters:
(And feel free to add anything else, like "You're a lunatic"....)


You're a lunatic

sde said:
After a few minutes of looking at the posts, I usually decide I don't really fit in here. It seems like everyone else here has a lot more social life, or they're teenagers in school. I start thinking things like, How can people here say they have social phobia or social anxiety and at the same time mention having friends or going to work or going to school?

I feel that way sometimes, but although my social accomplishments list may be shorter than most here it seems they suffer a lot more and I'm happy to make that trade.

sde said:
because I just see my girlfriend every day

... and now most of the readers think they're way worse off than you because nobody who really has SA can have a girlfriend. :p