Loud neighbours


Well-known member
Hey ppls.

I live in an apartmnt block and have 1 set of very loud neighbors.
They basicaly scream when they talk, or just scream from 1 side of the house the other, move furniture around quite often at 2-3am. Or perhaps cook food at 2am then you get to hear them cleaning up while they bang pots together.

Its quite unbearable now. They arent from errr around these parts and believe they can do whatever they like in the house.
Last night was the worst, they were screaming until 5am. They arent arguing, just screaming as it seems to be how they talk....

I did the usual trick of screamin "shut the f**k up" and "f**king shut up" at aroundd 2am however that didnt seem to phase them. Then I went up there and they are like "oh its not us making the noise" and im like "well your the only neighbors... not from around these parts... pretty sure its you"
At 4am I called the police however they were to busy to come round...

Normally I would go up there and threaten them with violence however I had surgery 2 weeks ago arent quite upto it yet incase anything happened (and all my debt collector friends are overseas on holiday at the moment)

Besides complaining to the building manager people which I do quite often, is there anything you people can recommend. Im looking for legal or illegal suggestions :) Anyone had any similar experiences ? Im getting very stressed and I am worried I'll be taken away in hand cuffs very soon :|
I'm probably going to looking at taking legal action against the building managers (which i think will get them to do something pretty quickly) but they are closed for the next 3 weeks for xmas holidays... so need a solution

Oh Yeah I own the apartment so moving isnt realy an option :(

Like I said... legal or illegal.. im all ears =)
Its probably against forum rules to suggest anything illegal, I have similar problems so I'll have a think of some legal options. An official looking letter - firm, but polite may be a good start?


Well-known member
yeah I was thinking of sending an official letter... (and even a fake one from the body corporate), problem is they dont seem to understand english very well. They are a bunch of young students.

Just anoying cause today for e.g I had to goto the docter at 9am, and got to bed finally at 6:30am, so was to tired to drive, had to pay taxi $40.
Luckily Im on holidays for the next few weeks.

Im in VIC, thanks for that link, I wasnt aware it was a violation of the Health act (as well as EPA). Might get my docter to say its effecting my health.
I suppose I could get my lawyer to wip up a notice of intention to sue. as I said though, dont think they will understand it. The body corporate people certainly will though, but yeah need this to stop now.

thanks fo the help :)

btw, were bouts in aus are you ?

The Nephilim

Well-known member
That's a very frustrating situation Jus, but being racist and threatening people with violence is not the way to go, it could back fire and it could be you that ends up having the cops called on them. It's not just people that are not from around these parts that cause disturbances.

It's easy to act when you are emotional, perhaps start reading up on your rights, get a copy of a tenancy agreement, most have are standard in terms of noise, no parties, quiet enjoyment of your property etc, etc. May be even give consumer affairs a call. Find out the correct procedure to deal with something like this ( I knew back home, when I lived in NZ, and having that knowledge was very handy). The property manager has an obligation to deal with this, find out what you can do here, (They sound lazy and cowardly) such as serving him or her, notice to do something before taking further action?

Do you talk to anyone else in the block are they being disturbed too?.


Well-known member
My apologies for any comments that could perhaps be seen as racist.

I hate everyone, equally :p


Active member
Maybe earplugs will help? You could also play loud music during the daytime (since they're up all night, they probably sleep during the day), and make it clear if you can't sleep, they won't sleep.

I don't know what your local laws are, but in the states, you could sue or have them evicted after calling the police a bunch of times.


Well-known member
pretty funny.
I went to speak to neighbors again today and they go "we can do what we like".

My friend who's 6'9 (im a lil shorter at 5'7 :p) went over there now. They go "oh nah its not us making noise, were always quiet"


Well-known member
Keep calling the police until they show. Call every night if you have to, they are bound to come around. When they do, they will likely spook them.

If all else fails, start making noise outside of their place at odd hours. Buy a cheap radio and hide it somewhere in the hall outside their door and blast it, or something like that. Fight fire with fire.
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Well-known member
has been great the last 2 nights (and days) !!! Sounds like they have moved out orsomething... not a sound to be heard, hasnt been this quiet in literaly 1.5 yrs =)

Guess my friends chat to them worked its magic.


Well-known member
I used to have a crazy neighbour that came by my apartment every single day complaining about noise. The bastard use to come and say: "Why are you taking showers at 3 a.m? Why do you take so long showers?"

And the stupid mother****er kept coming here and always complaining about my shower habits. One day he called me and said that he was going to call the police because for him I can't take showers late at night. And I said with a voice from Hell: "I WILL CALL THE POLICE YOU SON OF A BITCH! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I WIL TAKE SHOWERS WHENEVER I WANT! NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!"

And he never complained again and started to treat me politely.


Well-known member
Hehe i can hear when my neighbors have a shower aswell. I think there is something wrong with the pipes so it makes a loud shreaking noise. They also enjoy there 3am showers. On the one hand I think they should try be quiet because the noise seems to travel, but on the other I choose to live here still so i need to put up with it.

but yeah anything besides showering or that type of thing is fair game to complain about i rekon :)

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Around here, 10pm is the cut-off for anything loud, 9pm is the usual. 11pm on the weekend.
I complain to the landlord and everything goes smoothly, but I only go to the landlord AFTER I go up and explain things nicely (and firmly) to them. Which takes A LOT of warming up beforehand what w/the SA & all.

I once lived in a converted Victorian-style house built in the 1920's that was reno'd (very poorly) into 7 apt. units.
My bedroom used to be an outside deck - they just slapped some plywood up and voila - new room. I put a ball on the floor and it immediately rolled across to the other side, & you lost your balance when entering!
Anyways, a new guy moved in above me (converted attic) who switched off between home-made didgeridoo and hardcore techno constantly. After several visits with him to say he wasn't being very cooperative I showed up soaking wet on a stormy night on his outdoor patio with an axe in my hand.
Didn't phase him, and my l-lord there was an ex-hippie who kept saying "leave it to karma." !
So I moved. Terrible place. You could hear neighbors farting through the floorboards plus everything else...

There are lots of legal ways to sort out your situation. Hopefully the system won't fail you.