loads of thoughts (i dont know what else to call it)


you fall asleep, you wake up much later, you just want to fall back to sleep but you cant cause you need to go to the bathroom, you relax and attempt to go back to sleep by blocking your mind out at the fact that you are still alive, but you still need the bathroom. so you get up go to the bathroom with your eyes half shut and hope to return to where you were before. sleeping, in a great place, where no one thinks about anything!
you see happy people outside your window, kids playing in the sun or snow, with their mums and dads, and you say to yourself, 'i wonder what thats like' this
its not a jealousy thing, its more of a curiosity thing, like how it must feel to be normal.
you never knew you were depressed, because you never knew what depressed was.
you look up books about SA!!, and you still come to the same thought.! 'what is SA' ?

ive always thought anxiety = anxiety, i dont know the difference! (if there is a difference?)

when i say "you" im actually meaning eveyone on here :):)
No idea! I'm too caught up in giving this dude a bollocking for sayin' somethin' i really didn't need to know.. *snarl* People should die! Rant over.
But yehh i tend to think a lot more at like 5 in the mornin!

hah kinna forgot what a rep was there!
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Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
what i want to know is how you can recover from something you've always had. there's nothing to recover. theres no carefree/normal life to get back. imagining years and years of a future thats more of the same is terrifying

i think...
sa=believing you're an alien, and worrying other people will figure this out
anxiety=excessive worry
well there's generalized anxiety and then there's social anxiety..generalized means having anxiety about pretty much anything..your a worrywort..you let things get to you..but you can still have friends and make friends.

Social Anxiety is just that..you have a hard time making friends and socializing, but may be fine doing other things. Sometimes you can have both...and have a hard time, doing everything!


Well-known member
I too wonder what it's like to be normal... without SA and depression. I have wondered this since I was a very small child. When I was very little I would have to go with my folks to family get togethers like for Christmas and holidays, and my gut would hurt so badly that I begged them to leave. Mind you I was around 5 or so when this started happening. Eventually I put II and II together and came up with IV, and I figured it out that my gut pain came when I was around allot of people and it didn't matter if it was family or strangers. I also realized that I didn't have much to say and because of it, everyone left me alone to sit by myself. I felt like an outcast even around my own family and relatives. I knew then I just didn't fit in with all the normal people. Sitting there watching everyone talking to others so easily and they all had something to talk about, except me. Being alone and shunned I began to have very negative thoughts about me, and about life. Then it was about at that tender age of 5 that I remember my mother beating me, repeatedly. Then going to school and getting beat up all the time too. Which I am sure didn't help. After that is when I really started hating life, hating my mother, hating my father for not stopping my mother's abuse... Then as I got older I started hating all mothers for forcing life upon a child that may have not wanted life... My very negative attitude grew and developed into what it is today. Now very few people will hang around me, especially if I let them know how I really feel about life in general. I'm much too depressing and negative for anyone...and being 41 I am kind of set in my ways, maybe too much to change now? I am this festering ball of hate and negativity that nobody likes, not even me... I often wonder what it's like to be really happy? What is like to have a really good friend? What is it like to have someone care and love you? What is it like......to be normal? ::(:
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