Okay, I kinda feel like moving back in with my parents was the worst mistake I did in my life too!!
They drive me crazy!! Grr
At first after finishing Uni dad expressed a wish that 'at least one of us would come home' (he was afraid of being lonely or what??) and now sis and I are living at home and we all hate it - there are no good jobs back here, parents undermining our confidence or any remains of time management we might have left, they make us feel like 'teens' again grr!!
My mum has absolutely no skills for time management. She always has these impossible dreams of what can be accomplished in one day (or part of day, or an hour), like a zillion of things, and then has phones all the time and other distractions... And she expects us to mind-read and to be like full-time houskeepers (she's the lady of the house!!) and find a way to earn money alongside that (and marry well and give'em grandkids!) and the constant bickering and listening to them is totally counterproductive for ANY of that!! She worries a lot and does the 'martyr' thing grr... (Like she's the one to have to do all this work, although she's often mostly running around on charity errands etc. And if you don't wanna do it, don't do it - instead, she'd do it and then rub it in??!)
They're both retired and totally unpredictable, I don't know one day ahead what they'll be up to. Even if we agree on something, then maybe they don't have the necessary utensils to do that and do something else, which can collapse my plans entirely. I mean, I don't know how I can plan anything??
Besides, it's hot in the attic and the 'summer office' I had dowstairs for two years now is filled with random junk/charity things that mum said she'll sort 'any day now' - and she's been saying this for a few months now!! We said we'd sort some stuff together and now she's saying why I haven't done it yet??
We've been doing renovation and dad is already bored because it's almost finished!! I'm afraid to think what he'll think of now!! grr
She said we'd make 'peach juice' today and now the 'downstairs office' needs to be 'emptied' so that juice can be made!! When I say if there can be a place made for the computer too (which I've been asking for a month!), that's an 'unreasonable request' grr!!
I feel like all I do is run around after them and making sure they're not doing something I don't want them to do! Then she talks aloud and is angry if I talk back thinking she was talking to me?? huh??
Seriously, it seems like a 'no-win' situation and 'circle' of perpetuation: they drive me crazy, I give up on making money or ever having a life, they drive me more crazy >> I feel it's impossible to be able to ever make money and have a life etc...
I had some savings or jobs before and I really wish I had moved out then!! Now the savings are not so great and I don't really feel up for/capable of having a job/biz or doing things for paid money really... Grr. Not sure what to do. Guess I needed to have that rant. Yikes.
I know a successful entrepreneur who was living with parents, and she was 60+ and they were STILL driving her crazy!! Grr