Living at University


Well-known member
At some point you might become disatisfied and god-forbid, burn out. Get a physical exam and see if youre deficient in any vitamins. After taking some magnesium and vitamin D, i felt more willing to socialize.


I know what you mean. I just started my freshmen year too. I was actually looking forward to having a roommate. I figured that living with a stranger would force me to socialize with them and if we got along we could end up being good friends. Unfortunately my roommate never showed. She decided not to come last minute. So now bitter sweetly I am in a room alone. I have talked to a lot of people and gotten along with them but all it seems to ever be is conversation and then they leave to go with their friends while i'm left alone. It's so different from highschool but at the same time feels similar in the sense that everyone already has their cliches and groups formed while i'm on the outside looking in. the first week i really tried to get out and have fun going to different welcome week programs but as you said they were sort of boring, not my thing. so i go and try to do my own thing, for instance, i like going to concerts. i went to a free one the first week and then another last night but i still just can't seem to make anything more than just conversation. now i'm so down about my inability to make friends that i've lost all motivation to get out and try. i don't mean to complain and i'm not looking for sympathy. just thought it might help to know we are not alone and we are not freaks. don't give up!


Well-known member
In my first 2 years of college, I lived in a dorm. Single rooms are more expensive so I chose to share a room. My first roommate was in a sorority so she was absent a lot. Plus it got kind of awkward especially when she brought her boyfriend over. Sometimes her boyfriend looked at me and she thought I was making moves on him, so our relations soured a bit. Plus I was socially awkward so that didn't help. But we parted with no hard feelings.

My second roommate was also social and would often invite her friends over. I panic around large numbers of people so I often escape from my room every morning. Plus I think she used to make out with her boyfriend when I'm not around. One time when I was getting ready to leave the room, she told her boyfriend "I'm not wearing any underwear..." and then they looked at me and that was my cue to go. She's nice, but we never became friends or anything.


Living in residence was pretty much the best year of my life.

At first it was awful... the frosh stuff is sexist and glorifies nasty behavior and drunkenness. I guess some of it is 'fun' but I remember feeling really out of place and then walking away from it all after a few days and finding people I really clicked with.

It got better after all of that stuff stopped and everything settled into the normal routine... it's easier to be social when people are always coming and going, but I was on a really good floor where everyone clicked and stayed out of the drama.

I got along with pretty much everyone and there weren't too many dodgy people around... it was really nice to have people around like that.

Mr. S

^ I dunno how you deduced that, but yes.

I'm a bit surprised that some of you would prefer to have a roommate, though. If for no other reason, I just like to have a place where I can be unconditionally alone, even if only for a short time. Just my opinion.