lifes Embarrassing moments


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what is yours iv had a few , i booked this hotel ages ago online now 1 day b4 i was due to go i decided i didnt want to go , so instead of ringing them up i sent them an e mail saying sorry but im canceling the booking , i would ring you but i have a throat infection laryngitis , and im unable to speak , then i made sure the card i booked it with didnt have enough money init just so they couldnt take it out :rolleyes: ha ha i thought :D well a few hours later the phone rang i said hello clear as a bell as i normaly do , and this woman said hello is that mr buckwell , again i said yes who is this clear as a bell , she said well mr buckwell we got your e mail about not ringing us canceling your booking cos your unable to speak :eek: im sorry mr buckwell but you still have to pay for your room :rolleyes: how Embarrassing , i gave her the details of another card and they took the payment , i laughed and said well what can i say caught red handed or what love ..... she said something like that mr buckwell and laughed back ....


Well-known member
heres another 1 , now me and my gf sometimes ring each other and say hello darling are you naked just for a laugh , so i looked for sonia on my moblie phone and rang it , soon as it picked up i said hello darling are you naked :D some woman said EXCUSE ME WHO IS THIS :eek: i turned the phone off and thought wtf :confused: so i looked through the made calls , and it was sonias mum i made the call to , i thought sh.t , sh.t , expecting a call from the police or something ..... but no one ever rang me back thank god ...... so whats your Embarrassing moment spw ?
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Well-known member
heres another 1 me and my mate drove to the shops , i said im going in to get a red bull he said ok ill wait in the car , so whilst i was getting the red bull he went up to a security guard and said hey mate see that bloke over there meaning me , iv just watched him putting stuff in his pockets , i dont want to get involved so i just thought id tell you , then he left , i paid for my red bull and got grabbed by the security guard on the way out and searched :eek: the whole shop was looking at me being searched looking in my coat pockets my trouser pockets :mad: of course he never found any thing and let me go , i got to the car and my mate was laughting his head off ....... but hmmmm i did the same to him a few weeks later ;) yes i know how childish ::p:
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I sat through a very lengthy job interview - a panel of 5 officials asking me questions, etc.

Afterward, I stopped in to use the men's room and found that my trousers had been unzipped the entire time.


Well-known member
I sat through a very lengthy job interview - a panel of 5 officials asking me questions, etc.

Afterward, I stopped in to use the men's room and found that my trousers had been unzipped the entire time.

:eek: not with it hanging out i hope :eek: lol :D
Several years ago, I tried to hit on a girl at Starbucks. After a humiliating two minute conversation (she clearly wasn't interested, at all), as I was turning to leave, I ran into a table and knocked over the chairs. She laughed at me while I picked them up with my bruised ego.

Something you'd see out of a movie.


Well-known member
LMAO gazza, the 'hello darling are you naked?" one was effing hilarious! ::p:

I can't think at the moment of my embarrassing moments but when i do i'll post. :D


Well-known member
LMAO gazza, the 'hello darling are you naked?" one was effing hilarious! ::p:

I can't think at the moment of my embarrassing moments but when i do i'll post. :D

it wasnt at the time amiee i was crapping myself ::p:


Well-known member
Several years ago, I tried to hit on a girl at Starbucks. After a humiliating two minute conversation (she clearly wasn't interested, at all), as I was turning to leave, I ran into a table and knocked over the chairs. She laughed at me while I picked them up with my bruised ego.

Something you'd see out of a movie.

you should have gone back to her mate , ladies love it when you make them laugh ;) ........
you should have gone back to her mate , ladies love it when you make them laugh ;) ........

Laugh with, not usually laugh at. My embarrassing moment was telling some of my friends at a chalet barbeque party that they were all weaklings that just were little goodie two shoes who couldn't stay up to party and are a bunch of spoil sports who probably would sleep at nine pm (Jokingly).

I fell asleep with the lights shining brightly, the tv on at full volume and in mid sentence. I was very comfortable with these friends and the atmosphere was relaxed. A couple of us including myself had also just returned from a carnival where every ride was free after the initial payment to enter... We took the roller coaster and other rides... probably dozens of times. Maybe as much as thirty or forty times...


Well-known member
Laugh with, not usually laugh at. My embarrassing moment was telling some of my friends at a chalet barbeque party that they were all weaklings that just were little goodie two shoes who couldn't stay up to party and are a bunch of spoil sports who probably would sleep at nine pm (Jokingly).

I fell asleep with the lights shining brightly, the tv on at full volume and in mid sentence. I was very comfortable with these friends and the atmosphere was relaxed. A couple of us including myself had also just returned from a carnival where every ride was free after the initial payment to enter... We took the roller coaster and other rides... probably dozens of times. Maybe as much as thirty or forty times...

LOL sounds like good fun to me mate :D

Well-known member
I remember when I was working in a shop about 5 years ago (I was quite a bit more confident back then), and a group of about 5 or 6 girls came in. I think they were on an exchange trip from France or something, anyway they were all STUNNING.

So they're browsing, and I pretty much say to the other person I was working with "Ahem, I'll take it from here..."

Just as I was going over to help them, with 'a confident swagger' you might say, I accidentally swallow my chewing gum, go red in the face and just start choking. I run as far as the store room which is still partly visible from the shop floor, and spend the next 5 minutes choking my face off, spluttering gasping.

Needless to say....I didn't get any numbers ::p:


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Hmmmm. In 7th grade or so I went to this birthday party and we went swimming in her pool. I somehow packed my older sister's swimsuit and it was a bit big for me, but I decided to try and tie it tighter and where it anyway. (I think everyone knows where this story is going :() Anywaaaaaaaay, yeah my top obviously fell off a bit, har har! :mad: There was no boys at that birthday party, thank god. Even still, it was really embarrassing. Especially with the fact that I didn't notice it myself, someone else had to point it out. For quite a while after that, the girl who's party it was brought it up quite a lot too, lol. "Hey, remember that time..." gah.

A more recent one... a couple months ago I was at a restaurant with a couple old friends and some other friends of theirs that I know but am not really friends with. Anyway, my friend comes to my side of the booth to show me her tatoo that she got recently. She said it was on her shoulder and that I'd have to move her shirt out of the way a bit. Instead of saying "Like here?" for some reason I said "Like this?" and everyone laughed. I think I felt embarrassed because there was people I didn't really know very well laughing too. Also the fact that I was mistaken for being a lesbian once when I was a lot younger by the same friend. ::(:


Well-known member
Hmmmm. In 7th grade or so I went to this birthday party and we went swimming in her pool. I somehow packed my older sister's swimsuit and it was a bit big for me, but I decided to try and tie it tighter and where it anyway. (I think everyone knows where this story is going :() Anywaaaaaaaay, yeah my top obviously fell off a bit, har har! :mad: There was no boys at that birthday party, thank god. Even still, it was really embarrassing. Especially with the fact that I didn't notice it myself, someone else had to point it out. For quite a while after that, the girl who's party it was brought it up quite a lot too, lol. "Hey, remember that time..." gah.

A more recent one... a couple months ago I was at a restaurant with a couple old friends and some other friends of theirs that I know but am not really friends with. Anyway, my friend comes to my side of the booth to show me her tatoo that she got recently. She said it was on her shoulder and that I'd have to move her shirt out of the way a bit. Instead of saying "Like here?" for some reason I said "Like this?" and everyone laughed. I think I felt embarrassed because there was people I didn't really know very well laughing too. Also the fact that I was mistaken for being a lesbian once when I was a lot younger by the same friend. ::(:

yeah, people have thought that lesbian thing about me before as well, not that there's anything wrong with that of course, but it makes me wonder where they get it from. I am pretty friendly to both genders, but I maybe just a tad bit more comfortable talking to girls as oppose to guys probably because my mum and sis had more influence on my life. Not to be kinky, but I had a bit of a strange thing happen when someone slept over my house when I was younger with a girl but that’s off topic.
I have had a few but one I remember is when I was younger I had a birthday party (not by choice)
And someone stuck some chewing gum down my pants, nobody knew accept the offender:rolleyes: but it was still embarrassing. ::eek::


Well-known member
yeah, people have thought that lesbian thing about me before as well, not that there's anything wrong with that of course, but it makes me wonder where they get it from. I am pretty friendly to both genders, but I maybe just a tad bit more comfortable talking to girls as oppose to guys probably because my mum and sis had more influence on my life. Not to be kinky, but I had a bit of a strange thing happen when someone slept over my house when I was younger with a girl but that’s off topic.
I have had a few but one I remember is when I was younger I had a birthday party (not by choice)
And someone stuck some chewing gum down my pants, nobody knew accept the offender:rolleyes: but it was still embarrassing. ::eek::

Yeah, I had an experience when I was younger too that was sort of leaked out and that friend ended up knowing. Even though it was completely out of my control and I didn't have anything to do with it. I agree though, there's nothing wrong with that! Just, I personally don't really swing that way is all. It was only a kiss though when I was like 11. Needless to say I think my friend told her parents and they didn't have me over for a while.


Well-known member
Yeah, I had an experience when I was younger too that was sort of leaked out and that friend ended up knowing. Even though it was completely out of my control and I didn't have anything to do with it. I agree though, there's nothing wrong with that! Just, I personally don't really swing that way is all. It was only a kiss though when I was like 11. Needless to say I think my friend told her parents and they didn't have me over for a while.

It’s ridiculous when people react like that, but I know what you mean, my experience was somewhat similar.


Well-known member
Hmmm, i'm trying to rememeber any funny embarrassing moments, most are horrible ones. :eek:

I have a sorta 'DOH' moment LOL! when i was younger we were talking about the planets at school, so i thought i was being really smart and was going to make the teacher really thing about this question ... i said to her "so miss, if the world is round, then why doesn't the water spill at the bottom?" ... the whole class laughed. ::eek:: I went bright red at how dumb i sounded when she told me why! I was only around 12 though. ::p:


Well-known member
heres another 1 me and my mate drove to the shops , i said im going in to get a red bull he said ok ill wait in the car , so whilst i was getting the red bull he went up to a security guard and said hey mate see that bloke over there meaning me , iv just watched him putting stuff in his pockets , i dont want to get involved so i just thought id tell you , then he left , i paid for my red bull and got grabbed by the security guard on the way out and searched :eek: the whole shop was looking at me being searched looking in my coat pockets my trouser pockets :mad: of course he never found any thing and let me go , i got to the car and my mate was laughting his head off ....... but hmmmm i did the same to him a few weeks later ;) yes i know how childish ::p:

That security gurad wasn't doing his job properly! He would only be allowed to stop you if he'd seen you taking something with his own eyes and then he would not be allowed to physically search you.