Life is so hard without close friends


Well-known member
They say that people who have a circle of friends suffer from less stress than loners. I have no one i can call a ''close'' friend, so all my frustrations get locked up inside me and churns..This can't be good for my health.

Anyone else feel they wish they had someone apart from family to talk to?


Well-known member
Yes Recluse. This is killing me too. It just eats away at me. Especially when I find people who have the same interests and seem like a perfect fit for me, yet I can't make anything happen because of my issues. They don't know the extent of my problems and I'm always on the verge of telling them, but then I think "Why would they care? Would it really change anything?" :?


Well-known member
Yes, I wish like hell I had a close friend to talk to, instead of just my family (who I can barely even open up to).

I was just feeling this way pretty badly tonight and felt like I really needed a friend to talk to, but of course no one is there. So I just wrote my problems down in a notebook/journal. It actually helps me feel a little better at least getting it out, even if it's just on paper.


Well-known member
I wish I had close friends to talk to. It feels like the loneliness just makes my mental health worse.


Well-known member
Yeah, I wish I had some friends to talk to. But, maybe that's why I don't have any to begin with. I can't open up, can't express myself, can't tell them what's on my mind, can't communicate, can't talk about anything of any importance, etc.

I wish, especially, that I had a couple of close girl friends, too. I have had BFS,but it's not the same in some ways.


yeah me too. I can't even get feedback, with MY OWN FREAKING PEERS on "intimate" topics such as........................................... LIFE.


Well-known member
Online is easier to try and get to know people but the last time I was honest about my insecurities the person bailed. It's not like I expected them to fill my lonely void, I just enjoy conversations where we can open up like close friends do. Even on forums it's difficult to make friends since I'm prone to leaving in embarrassment intervals.

I wish I had the courage to take chances with people, how much pride have I got to lose? The possibilities are just so daunting though, but so irrational cause we all want the same thing- connection, to help others understand what we're going through so they may be accepting; that's even doing them a favour! Not to mention depriving myself from learning through discussion.. I just feel so locked in my head and the only solution seems to be taking initiative..
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Well-known member
if you have someone to talk and share some of your feelings and thoughts with then they are your friend

some acquaintances can turn into friends without you even realizing it
I don't think most people have close friends. They just have lots of people they don't trust and barely like that they call friends.
Hoth said:
I don't think most people have close friends. They just have lots of people they don't trust and barely like that they call friends.

i agree. even at times when i had so-called "close" friends, i never really felt like they could understand me completely. it's just another fantasy.

but, of course i wish i had friends to go with to places so i wouldn't have to count on my family the entire time.

Ooh Friends.... whatever those are. Only ever had one in my life, that was over 3 years ago, and probably never will, but I guess I don't care that much. Eh. I guess some people just aren't meant to have friends...


Well-known member
Bah, who needs close friends, they just get in the way of work. Because impressing my boss is more important than impressing other people. Of all the women in the world my boss is the one I impress the most. Maybe I deserver that. thpppt.


Well-known member
Life is pretty meaningless without atleast one close friend/partner. It hits me the hardest when i see couples/people with friends having fun, i feel very lonely when i realise that i don't have what they have.