Lets give this a shot

So I went through this period about three months long were I was lost and very confused. Tried a number of dumb an overly stupid ideas, only to end up close to where I stared. Not sure why I was so confused about myself, considering I just went in circles. Now...the whole issue with being alone has been delt with; but....I have like a million hobbies no one gives a damn about. Really nerdy, ****ytical stuff and when I find others interested...their so far ahead of me it's depressing. I'm know for my writing and poetry, but so m at people are eons better then I am. I can only write when Im angry and the flame is kinda just dying out. So I just don't know what I want to look forward to, besides people I spend time with. I don't really yearn for anything.
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Well-known member
In the past, a long time ago, people developed an interested. For example, in writing, or in painting. They had then only their village and the ones nearby to compare themselves with others. So they did their thing and got better with it and better.

These days, many people who newly acquire hobbies check the internet, but not for guidance on how to get better, but rather to compare themselves with those who do the same stuff for many more years. And then they get demotivated and stop.

It's not always about others. Sometimes it's just about yourself. If your hobby makes you happy, it's irrelevant how good you are.


Well-known member
You can't start writing today and expect to bang out a Stephen King novel. If you enjoy your writing, keep at it and you'll get better and better, and before you know it, you'll be writing freely and easily. :)


Well-known member
It's kind of sad that the only people who are exceptional in what they do Are really celebrated in this world and people who are just average are sort of left alone and in the dust