lets do it together - change for the better


Well-known member
Hi all,
If you are sick and tired of strugleing, like me, why dont we all work together to try and achiveve getting the abnormal anxiety levels back to normal levels. I was thinking last night and came up with an idea that we all begin to try and work things out together. What im thinking is something along the lines of every two weeks we make a strong commitment to change and do something positive for ourselves that may help our situation.
I myself have been through therapy 3 time and im still suffering. I have felt like there is no answer................. Instead of feeling defeated, we can try and do positive things related to mind, body and life. For example, every two weeks a person will create a thread called something like 'Change for the Better'. Within that thread we state things we are going to do withing those two weeks. It will also depend on which forum you are going to be working from

For example in the social anxiety forum:
Body: i will do relaxation once a day before i go to bed. After a few days i will begin to do that twice a day, one when i wake up and once when i gfo to bed.
Mind: I will begin to really try and noice my negative thinking and i will correct it. Correct it by changing it to something positive.
Life: I will take a small walk every day or every second day.

for example in the agrophobic forum:
body: I will do relaxation
Mind: i will prepare myself mentally that one day soon i will leave the house
Life: I will look at a picture of outsides for a week and the second i will look out the window.

It really depends where you are at yourself with anxiety and severity. Like for poeple who are agrophobic, then will know themselves what needs to be challanged. Every person knows their situation better so do whats best for you. Also you can add more or less things you want to do

If anxiety can be treated, and we know the main treatment then why dont we make goals and work towards them. Most of us have proberly been though some or alot of therapy. We all know the techniques that is required to help ourselves, and if you dont you can just ask. why dont we make it a positive challange? If you are currently in therapy or some kind of process you can choose not to take part or you can include your therapy into this.
After we begin the two weeks individuals can start their own thread called Concerns, or something like that, where people will reconigize it has got to do with this process. Within this thread the person can ask any questions, voice any concerns, worries or doubts, get advice, guidence etc. got to do with the steps they have alrady chosen to take or are planning to take. From there we will all give our two cents to whatever concern it is.

after the two weeks are up we return to the thread, quote we have previously wrote (our goals) and we leave a comment on what you felt benificial or not. and how you found doing the excerises/goals. Also in this briefly, include where you are with your anxiety. This is so people can see if their situations are similar and maybe take ideas of each other.

This is just a thought. I will be doing it anyway but i thought if more people got involved we could a strong motivater and encourager for each other.
This is an under-developed idea. Please leave a comment to see if you approve or dissaprove. Also you can leave suggestions and ideas to further develop the suggestion. It will bring hope and positivity for each other. it will also be a form of theray for everyone.

I hope yous' join me on this new journey... Take Care...


Well-known member
Just reading back over that there...it seems a little difficult to understand. If you have any questions to my idea please feel free to ask...


Do not worry! it is perfectly understood. The ideal is start to idealize your commitment for the next 2weeks. And the following people will do the same. Good luck!


Well-known member
Do not worry! it is perfectly understood. The ideal is start to idealize your commitment for the next 2weeks. And the following people will do the same. Good luck!

So will you be joining me on this positive journey ??

:D :) ;)
Hi, great thread, hottie.

I'll join ;) I think it's great to work together on anxiety, you will feel more motivated when other people are encouraging you. I'll definetely will do this.
I'm willing to change, actually i can't wait to feel better.
Take steps, and enjoy life more, because as a social phobic i'm having a hard time. Like you said, I'll do relaxation before I go to bed, i'll take 15 min first to do breathing exercises or muscle relaxation. I will listen to slow music, might help a little :)

You know, I have to tell you guys, my mom suffered SA for about 8 years,
when she did relaxation 3 times a day, she never felt anxiety in a social situation anymore, just because she felt ''relaxed,calm and not anxious'' because of the relaxation she feels, she doesn't feel so stressed about people looking at her,
just because she ''feels safe'' and what if working on your negative thinking is way too much? what about changing the way you feel around people?
I bet the way you feel is much worse than what you think.
I do know the thinking cause this horrible feeling of anxiety, but I know if you would not feel this way, you would say, What a stupid thought, pfff :D

But at the same time we could change the negative thinking to a positive aspect, i really love your thread and i hope many more of us will challenge with us :D

good luck!


Well-known member
I'm doing something similar as this with Escape. I will keep updated in my own thread and here. Good luck all. I suggest as Saskia's mentioned relaxation techniques and breathing easing body eases the mind. Consistent practice in this see results - among just living healthier (diet), more consistent sleep, and physical exercise. Weeee


Well-known member
i was going to create a msn - online group therapy but its waaaaay to confusing, i think il stick to the forum.

I will begin my goals starting from sunday. Please feel free to join in...


Well-known member
This is great :) Yeah, deus and I are doing something similar. Looks like it can become one big thing we can all do together. Awesome :) Relaxation is a great idea too! A good one to remember daily


Well-known member
Nearly sunday... Better start thinking what my goals/targets will be for the following two weeks... :eek:


Well-known member
Great idea! I'll try to do some things, though I don't promise anything and I won't tell it in advance! :)
I read somewhere if you talk about things too much it's not proactive :) So I'll just do it and then update... (hopefully.. :)) I've been decluttering a bit already, so this is part of the 'relax' and 'fight overwhelm' too.. (to avoid visual clutter=calmer mind)

I also watched some videos & read stuff of some cool coaches and started doing mind maps about it :) really helpful! people CAN turn their lives around, so let's do something about it!


Well-known member
i have just started a new thread in the treatment & theripies called two week challange.

I am starting as of now and hope to see you in the new thread..

Wish me luck and also to those who will be joining me...

Take Care


Well-known member
Count me in! My "Change for the better" will be something that's pretty easy. I am willing to committ to 20 mins each day for the next 2 weeks towards positive thinking and self-reflecting. I will take 10 mins in the morning to think about how I want to feel for the day, what I will do for that day to accomplish this feeling and how I hope to make others feel. I think my first meditation will be something like "I want to feel confident today. I want to accomplish this feeling by starting a conversation with someone who does not try making conversation w/me. I will celebrate my accomplishment by smiling. I will make the other person feel good by directing my smile at them." At night, I will reflect on my day for 10 mins and think about how I did w/my goals and what I could do better tomorrow. I can't wait to get started! I know I have a nice smile and am looking forward to sharing it w/others!