Let's compile a favorite book list!


Well-known member
Hey, I would appreciate if you decided to organize your list by genre rather then with an alphebetic structure.
Since I need to go to sleep immeditly, I'll simply list some of my favorite authors, and then some of my favorite books by those authors on this thread at some point iGn the near future--possibly tommorow.

Kurt Vonnegut
William Gibson
Albert Camus
Will Self

I thought that it would be a great contribution to this website to establish a book club of sorts.


Well-known member
Some of my favorite books :

cosmic consciousness, the white bone, kafka on the shore, venus in furs, alice's adventures in wonderland, through the looking glass, story of the eye, the soft machine, the sound and the fury, naked lunch, a feather on the breath of god, hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world, she, grapefruit, moksha, the girl who gave birth to rabbits, house of incest, notes from underground, brave new world

just to name a few..

and I agree that Vonnegut is a great writer


Well-known member
Anne Rice:
"Interview With A Vampire."
"The Vampire Lestat,"
"Queen of the Damned,"
"Blood & Gold,"
"Blackwood Farm,"
"The Vampire Armand," &
basically every other book in her Vampire Chronicles series.

Kim Harrison:
"Dead Witch Walking," &
"The Good, The Bad, &The Undead,"
in her Rachel Morgan series. Those are the only two I've read so far, but I know I'll love the rest.

Laurell K. Hamilton:
"Guilty Pleasures,"
"Obsidian Butterfly,"
"The Harlequin." &
the rest of her Anita Blake series.

Sarah Waters:
"Tipping The Velvet,"
"Affinity," &
anything else she writes in the future.

"The Treasury of American Poetry"

"The Complete Tales of Edgar Allen Poe"

Shel Silverstein: "Where the Sidewalk Ends,"
among many others.


Some of my favourite books:
The Cosmic Serpent - Jeremy Narby
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse

I like reading religious books too; things like the Upanishads, and the Tao Te Ching...


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I haven't read a book in years, but when i was little i loved the book, "Don't forget the oatmeal" :lol:


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The entire "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series by Douglas Adams is classic. The most hilarious sci-fi ever written.

And there's this book I feel like I'm the only one who read, but I really liked called "The Grand Ellipse" by Paula Volsky. It's a fantasy about a round the world race through an alternate 19th century world. But it's so much more than that. The protagonist is a female and a strong lead, which was refreshing also.

Also I highly recommend the original novel version (not the manga!) of Koushun Takami's "Battle Royale". The premise is that a class of Japanese high school students are left on an island, issued random weapons and forced to fight until there is only one left. What could have quickly degraded to a pulpy action novel in lesser hands, becomes an emotionally charged page turner that you will never want to put down. I call it a masterpiece. I seriously can't recommend it enough to anyone who wants a book that will never let up on emotional intensity, and keep you always wanting to know what happens next.

Also, right now I'm reading "An Arsonists Guide to Writers Homes in New England" by Brock Clarke. It shows us the tragic and funny life of a guy who accidentally burnt down the Emily Dickinson house in Amherst Massachusetts, killing two people in the process. It's definitely promising so far. I mainly picked it up because I've never read a novel that takes place in my neck of the woods, but I'm pleasantly surprised.


Does/has anybody read George Meredith?

The Egoist is my all time favourite book. Victorian literature, I bloody love it!

One of these days I'll find another human being that's read it.
Tarzan of the Apes, Tale of Two Cities, Grapes of Wrath, Dune, Foundation and Empire, Story of O, Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life


Well-known member
Heres some of them

Ender's Game ny orson scott card

the alchemist by paul coelo

the westing game