Law or Philosophy?


Well-known member
I'm so so so dad wants me to study Law but I don't know if I'll ever be able to become a judge or a lawyer(it involves speaking in public and so on).On the other hand, I hadn't taken this possibility (of studying Law) into consideration before ...yesterday:confused:Last week I was sure I want to study Philosophy....but now...I can't say my dad forces me to choose Law since I don't even know if I'll enjoy studying all those things;I have to mention that the university of Law is a very prestigious one and offers you, at least, alternative careers, while Philosophy could offer me only the chance of becoming a teacher ( and teaching is far from being a well paid job -in my country).


not actually Fiona Apple
You should be a philosophy major like me :). It's your life now and you should do what you want with it. In 4 years when you graduate your father won't have any control over, you'll be an adult. Law does have more careers, but if you don't love it don't do it!


Well-known member
Do whatever you think you'll do better at. I am studying law, politics and critical thinking as a levels (I don't know what the American equivalent is) I'm doing okay, I don't think I'll become a lawyer or anything though lol


Well-known member
Study a bit of both and find which one you enjoy the most. I'm also very drawn to philosophy but there are slim career opportunities focused around it, so I mostly study for leisure.


Well-known member
There is a lot of philosophy involved in law. In fact, the majority of pre-law students at my university are either Philosophy or Political Science.

That being said, I have a number of attorneys in my family. All of them will tell you it takes a lot of resilience to get through it all and you need to have a lot of dedication and respect for the discipline.