

Well-known member
Does anybody find this difficult to do?

Due to my severe self consciousness and now feels really unatural and forced when i try to smile or laugh. I mean even in front of my nephews last night..sometimes i just felt like a freak because my face was so tense. ::(:

I've always had an awkward smile anyways..but it just feels really rubbery and tight now. It worries me..because i never used to be like this..or even think about it. I used to be able to interact whilst smiling/laughing no problem..but just seems like my problems/demons stop me from relaxing and just letting it happen naturally.

It really bothers me..because i end up having to just look to the floor..or look away..or just force something out...and it just gives off negative vibes..when i dont even intend to do this. It's like im trying to hold the smile there..and my mouth is fighting to return back to a normal closed position. Just make me feel like a freak..and it gets me down and makes me feel scared sometimes..because it feels like an automatic reaction that i cannot control. ::(:

Sometimes, yes. But after eight years of this I feel like I've perfected the mask. The one we wear to try and fool others into thinking we're "normal." Being aware of it I'm sure is hindering you. Though I think we all have bad days during which even the mask can't be pulled out. My natural expression would communicate negativity for sure - I remember in high school friends would walk up to me, concerned, asking why I looked so sad. I'd be surprised thinking everything was normal. And it was for me, just your everyday anxiety. But I guess it leaked sometimes. I wish I had advice for you but I don't. I just wanted to communicate that "you're not alone" message. It does happen to me sometimes and I just think, "You know what? I'm having an off day. It happens to the best of us. I won't waste too much energy trying to fight it today." As for laughter, I haven't struggled with that unless depression weasels its way in which it does tend to do sometimes when I'm staying with my family (like this summer!). Just yesterday I laughed out loud at something funny my father said and the sound shocked me into silence - I couldn't remember when I last did that. There are dips in the road. But we're going to find our way out.


Well-known member
If you are around ignorant idiots then yes... Not everyone will expect you to look like that all the time, because no one can be in a good mood all the time. And even if you're in a good mood, you don't have to vomit rainbows all over the place to show it. You can be friendly, yet serious looking. If someone can not understand that, they're not worth your company.

Thanks so much..this is really encouraging :) :) :) :)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Thanks so much..this is really encouraging :) :) :)
Hellhound made me smile a bit talking about 'vomiting rainbows'. :)

I'm to the point now where I will laugh and smile quite a bit around people I know well, and less so depending on how well I know the people or what the relationship is. I can't manage more than a slight smirk on camera, and I can't smile at strangers. I don't think I've ever managed to return a stranger's smile.