Last One To Respond Wins!


Well-known member


not actually Fiona Apple
I win I w- *spots Thelema's dog* I, uh, I was haha just kidding *throws win to dog, runs away*


Well-known member
I think I remember having to sing that song in primary school.

I don't think I did that, but I remember singing the worm song on stage with all the other kids, and then at the end of the song we ate gummy worms.

Nobody likes me, Everybody hates me, I think I'll eat some worms!

We seemed to have sung different lyrics that what I just found when I googled... our next line was "big fat juicy ones, itty bitty teeny ones, see how they wiggle and squirm!"



Well-known member
I don't think I did that, but I remember singing the worm song on stage with all the other kids, and then at the end of the song we ate gummy worms.

Nobody likes me, Everybody hates me, I think I'll eat some worms!

We seemed to have sung different lyrics that what I just found when I googled... our next line was "big fat juicy ones, itty bitty teeny ones, see how they wiggle and squirm!"
I...don't ever remember singing that!


Well-known member
Anyone that replies from now on will have their account terminated and will have big, burly men with baseball bats sent to their house.

I win!