Ladies and Gentlemen


This is all just my opinion.
From what I've seen I figure it to be easier as a female who's shy than a male. When you're a female, people talk to YOU. Regardless of whether you respond or not, you still have someone talking to you.
As a male, you have little to no one to come up to YOU and initiate.
It's a lot harder being a guy with SP than a chick, but that's just my opinion.
I sometimes honestly wish I was a girl so then others would come to talk to ME instead of I having to come to them(Which is so much more harder for me).
Even if you're ugly (No offense to anyone), there'll still be people who will want to talk to you.
But again, that's all just my opinion.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
It's not just you. There have been about 12 million threads started about it around here--do a search. They usually end up with a lot of misogynistic comments and often get closed. They never serve any productive purpose.


Really? I tried searching it and got nothing =/
Then waited to get activated so I could start it myself
Now I feel unoriginal


Well-known member
In my opinion sex and gender do not come into who has it worse.

I can see your point, but i believe for everyone their anxieties are different and similar at the same time. We all live in different circumstances and have different lives to get where we are - however similar, always different.

So my point is that we are more or less the same...but completely different at the same time.

All of us have things that we dislike to do more than others...
You may dislike the fact that you have approach girls, but on the other hand girls with SA may dislike being approached. And what about the one who doesnt get approached - they may be happy as it can avoid SA, but depressed because they arnt being approached

Men and women have different gender roles, this is nature.
Again, all we face is somewhat similar but completely different...........

(finding it difficult to explain what im thinking!)


Well-known member
monkeys have it the worst

all the laughing and pointing

no wonder they throw their feces


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member


This is all just my opinion.
From what I've seen I figure it to be easier as a female who's shy than a male.

It's funny that you say this. I've often thought that it is easier for guys to be shy than for girls because guys can get away with not talking. It is much more common for a man to be "stoic" or "distant" than for a woman to be that way. Yes, periodically people will come up and talk to a girl (if it's guys hitting on them, I don't know if this really counts, because, is it a real conversation if they're only being nice because they want something? As a shy girl, I can tell you that many guys will practically evaporate into thin air as soon as they realize they aren't going to get a date, and if you had started thinking, "wow, I'm having a nice conversation with this person," you get a horrible sinking feeling when you realize that they weren't actually interested in talking to you, you're such a bad conversationalist that all you are to them is a piece of meat! Ouch!) And what if you're so shy that on the rare occasion someone does try to strike up a conversation, you don't know what to say? What a b****!!! I have actually been called this when I was too scared to have much of a conversation with someone. In my experience, people expect women to be sociable, bubbly, outgoing, etc to the point that, when they meet one who isn't, they think she must be mean and horrible, two very un-feminine qualities. So to answer your post, (yikes, what a rant)shy girls don't have it easy. I guess guys don't either. C'est la vie...

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
This is all just my opinion.
From what I've seen I figure it to be easier as a female who's shy than a male.

Ah, I see you have selected our gourmet brand of Oligochaeta in jelly. A fine choice, if I may say. And would sir like to purchase a can opener while he's here...? ;)

Just kidding. Welcome to SPW! :D