Kitty cat or cash


Active member
I only have 5k in my bank account left for school, but i always get a loan. Im currently unemployed, and my SAD or GAD ill ask which one i have next time, is keeping me from progressing through my life. I suffer from depression as well, do you think i should invest the money into a cat, for companionship? Or try to tuff it out on my own and try to go less into debt?


you can get a cat for free and their supplies and food arent THAT much....soooooo money shouldnt be a huge factor


Well-known member
well.. a cat isn't going to cost you 5K o.o.. I mean even if you adopt with all the supplies and food and shots and spaying/neutering and what not... it can't be THAT expensive. Companion animals are a great idea and wonderful therapy... so if you think it's worth a little extra expense I say go for it... I mean it won't really put that much of a dent into what you have... if it's something you really want.. Just my opinion..


Active member
i think a cat would definitely, help when im lonely, but i also think they are expensive since i dont have a job. Im not sure how much student loans are, and my apartment lady also has a 300 dollar deposit i need to put down. All the cats i see are 100 dollars + and that's just for the adopted ones (not pure breed ones like exotic shorthair which i would get if i had the money they are 500+ plus!!), not including shots and necessitys.
I think that dogs are better companions, personally.

Honestly, my thinking about how much my dog would be hurt by my death has carried me safely through suicidal depression once or twice.
So yeah, pets can help some people a lot.

So true! If it weren't for my pup I probably wouldve offed myself a long time ago. But either way I think any animal is a great companion. They give you a purpose and meaning when depression sometimes drains you of those things.


Well-known member
Kitties are plenty good company! But you should only bring one into your home if you know for sure you'll be able to take care of it, and take care of it well too. I really think that adopting would be your best option for a kitty friend, and very fulfilling too! Though I do know that when you volunteer at the SPCA (at least in Canada - you'd have to check in other countries) that you can sign up for temporarily fostering kittens and adult cats. Sort of as a way of socializing them and giving them the experience of a good home. And also just the fact that cats (among other animals) without real homes are overflowing out of the SPCA's and similar organizations. So, if what you're looking for is company and companionship, yet are willing for it to be temporary with each kitty that you care for, then that would be great to look into! Even though you'd have to let the kitties go into other good homes after, it would still be incredibly fulfilling.


Well-known member
You can go to a local animal shelter & adopt a cat for less than $100, that includes vaccinations, & spaying/neutering, most of the time. I've never spent any money on the cats I've had throughout my life. Most have either been strays that had been abandoned or were given to me by people. People put up ads for free kittens all the time. Taking care of them on a daily basis isn't expensive, either. I spend a maximum amount of maybe $25 a month for three cats. The only time it gets expensive is when you take them to the vet & even that doesn't have to cost too much, if you find the right one.