keep going into a strange phase when i'm around people


Well-known member
i'm not sure whats wrong with me i feel intimidated by people; when i'm at college i'm fine one second talking with my friend then as soon as a person comes up to talk to her i have a horrible sensation come over me.
i dont know what to do with myself i feel scared/awkward so i just stare at the floor or pretend to look at my phone to avoid them.
Even she begins to notice something is wrong with me when i go quiet all of a sudden, she asks me if i'm okay or whats wrong with you?
I feel sick to my stomach every morning thinking about it, even when theres nothing bad going to happen to me, i think i'm just scared of people thinking badly of me.
how can i stop thinking in this way?


Well-known member
Hi & Welcome!

hm, I think to some small amount everyone has this (except maybe sociopaths or psychopaths), it's normal to want that others would think well of you, so actually it proves you're a good person and you care.

If you want to stop worrying excessively, maybe write down some 'worst case scenarios' and see how realistic they are - would someone really think or say something like that? Often, we can be our own critics, other people can see us differently...

Have you tried any CBT yet? Counselling or books? The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr David Burns is a good introduction to CBT, not for sa specifically... It can help you 'challenge' those negative thoughts...

I'm pretty sure that while you may be worrying about yourself and what others think, others may just see a nice shy person... whom they'd be happy to get to know better...