keep crying over stupid things,please help!

I am an overemotional wreck all the time. I was wondering if you could give me some advice, I am not depressed I am far from depressed.

I cry a lot. I am 20, 21 in a few weeks time.

like today I cried cause I couldn't get a shower cause I was staying over at my boyfriends and we were in a rush ( I have a shower every day) so I burst into tears cause I felt disgusting. I cried because I didn't like something my boyfriend said, I cried because I was going home from my boyfriends and was leaving him, I cried because he couldn't stay over cause he has work tomorrow, I cried because I miss my parents and my family who I hardly see.

the tinest thing that upsets me I cry, the things I can't deal with I cry. I have a fight with my boyfriend I cry, something that someone says that I don't like I cry, I worry I cry, I fail my exams I cry, I pass my exams I cry, my cooking comes out wrong i cry.

i am very childish in my way of thinking but i cry because i am upset not because i am trying to get my own way. I do think i have a condition because i cry all the time, im so sensitive which causes people to become fed up with me certainly cause when i cry its not just a ten min thing i can cry for more than an hour just sit there sobbing, but after crying i feel really good, like ive released all this emotion, but i whinged and i am high pitched. I want to be able to talk my problems out instead of crying like a 2 yr old!


Well-known member
Hey, don't feel embarrassed because you are overwhelmed with emotions washing over you. It's good that you are able to release some of the energy of those emotions from yourself because there isn't anything wrong with crying. Does your boyfriend know you can't be able to control your tears. I think you should talk to him and tell him to understand that you have a great deal of emotions that you can't help but let out, if he is one of those insensitive types, then I'm afraid you two aren't really compatible.


Well-known member
By the way, it is normal you are feeling worried and anxious about missing your family or any kinds of mixed emotions. It just means your response to it is just to naturally release tears and that's ok. Just remember that whoever says it's babyish or silly, ignore them. Because in all honestly, they do nothing but set up contradictions and foolishness in what they say.
Does your boyfriend know you can't be able to control your tears. I think you should talk to him and tell him to understand that you have a great deal of emotions that you can't help but let out, if he is one of those insensitive types, then I'm afraid you two aren't really compatible.

thank you for replying and thanks for your kind words, yes my boyfriend does know, I've already told him and he puts up with me crying all the time, we've been together since 2011, so he knows a lot about me.I just feel fed up with crying all the time. I don't like when i cry because i'm angry because i go crazy..I don't like to cry but i don't know how else to cope.
yeah feeling very homesick, so i know its normal, however me crying all the time is not...just want to plug up my tear ducts
I don't feel the doctors is necessary, if i go to the doctors they will just put me on medication for depression and i do not feel depressed.


Well-known member
:( I wish I could give you a hug...*cyberhugs*

It's alright to cry, I would rather cry than have to go through what I do to cope. I cry sometimes, but it's rare. I am also sensitive, but I don't cry, I just lash out, swear too much or just become very violent and act on impulse. I totally understand what you mean though. Crying isn't something to be ashamed of, it's a way of coping and it just means that your body wants to let out all these conflicting emotions inside you, so it's alright. I know what you mean by people being fed up with the crying. People can't stand me when I lash out, it becomes impossible to be around me and impossible to try to talk/reason to/with me.

The only advice I could give is maybe find someone to talk to about whatever is bothering you? Having it all pent up inside isn't good :( Maybe you can have, like, sessions where you and your bf can talk about things and just let it off your chests if he's the type that's willing? Or talk to someone close to you that you trust.

Best of luck! I hope things get better for you.
I do talk to my boyfriend all the time about how i am feeling, its not all supressed in me i am not ashamed to open up to my parents or my boyfriend. I don't think talking about it helps because I just cry more. My boyfriend is great he listens to me and gives me advice and so do my parents its just not enough, i don't know how to stop crying, i can think of a moment in my life that may be affecting me but i don't think its that bad to ruin my life its just an unresolved but don't think itd cause excessive crying all the time over tiny ickle situations.
i have been on the birth control for a year and a bit, but had to change my birth control cause it was doing the exact same to me, but i'm on one now that doesn't affect me, however been off the birth control for six weeks due to some blood tests i need to get sometime this week (this isn't the issue) i dunno if it could be my hormones going crazy cause ive been off the birth control, i dunno!


Well-known member
It's ok to let your heart out. I actually read from an article that one of the reasons why women outlive men is that women have an easier time releasing pent up emotions than men. Crying is not a sign of weakness, at least not to me. It's a way of expressing hurt and pain. Violence, on the other hand, is a sign of cowardice. It's better to cry than to take your feelings out on others.

On the other hand, some people can be manipulative. I've been in a situation where a girl cries and turns everybody against me. I used to live in a dorm with a group of girls. I wasn't close to any of them, and I don't even know their names, at least for most of them. Anyways, one girl kept calling me out for walking with noisy shoes. So, I tried walking with less noise. And then one of the girls cried and the next thing I know, everybody hated me. I am not even sure why they hated me, but just thinking about it makes me sick. I don't know if that girl's crying crocodile tears just to turn everybody against me.