Kava Kava for social anxiety and depression


Well-known member
Yeah I take Kava. Problems are that I have it in powder form. It's SO HARD to suck that horrible taste back! Even once a week proves too often of a taste for me. And the numb mouth that comes with it... not fun.
I take it when i'm desperate. I also take it when I just feel like loosening up somewhere once in awhile. Another downside is that it only lasts for around 30 minutes to an hour.. I get nausea and dizzyness/heavyness when I take too much as well. Although i'm for herbal remedies, so despite these all it's a thumbs up for me. Just try to avoid the powder form!
yeah, i've heard that it kinda tastes like dirty water. its included in a lot of popular supplements on the market.


Well-known member
Lol, they should write this on the label: "Warning: Do not consume a ****-ton per day regularly as this will seriously mess your liver up!" :D
its probably like carrots. remember when they used to say too many carrots were bad for you? turns out you had to eat about 100 lbs to actually have a negative effect.
it has been banned in some countries in Europe..
and it seems that the root is good, but the pharmacuitcal companies dont take extraxts from the root.. so if i could only dig it out :/


Well-known member
I use this whenever I need to go to school but am too nervous... It's hard to explain what it feels like. Alcohol like vision-delays and basically it just removes all of my self judgement. I can still talk to myself normally, realize that this is a normally anxoius situation... but I'm just not anxious for who knows why? Also, if I want to focus on something, for instance reading, there's no difference, it's like the effects go away as soon as I begin to work... My thinking becomes a little more direct though, I wouldn't be able to write a 'deep' thinking essay just because I'd only realize the more direct-approaches (which makes sense for me because when i'm anxious I always want to seem deepest, smartest), so idk if this is the same for others but a heads-up there if you're going to try it and have an essay or something to write. If I take too much though, a little more than twice the recommended dosage, I feel dizzy, and sometimes begin to feel a little motion sick, but that might just be because it makes your stomach numb...which can be misleading.

I have the powdered-root form. I suggest NOT getting it in this form. It's horrible to choke down....

EDIT: I just realised the reason I feel sick when I take too much is because you're supposed to filter out the root-grit with cheesecloth when you drink it in that form...So nevermind that.
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Well-known member
I've read about this stuff and it has some nasty side effects....like scaly skin rashes....and Liver Damage!!!


Well-known member
Liver damage, I believe, is a myth. If you get ROOT, there's no liver damage. The liver damage is in the leaves/upper plant, you just need to make sure you're getting the root.

Scaley skin rashes?....Yoikes. I think this might be from regular usage. I read that the hawiians or islanders who use it have this, but they use it VERY often. I only use it once a week or less. I think this stuff is way better than using Xanax or something. It's a quick relief, just lasting enough to kick yourself out somewhere or get over a stressful moment. I suppose people don't use it for panic-moments because It takes 30 minutes to kick in.
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Well-known member
Okay, I think it's really important to just put in some basics about herbal remedies.

First off, everyone is different and different herbs affect everyone in different ways. An herb that could work wonders for one person can easily have no effect on another. This does NOT mean that its just the placebo effect, it means that we all have different bodies, inside and out, and herbs are much more subtle than pills (which are generally synthetic, stronger versions of herbs). If you are sensitive to herbs, then you might need far less than recommended or if you are not sensitive you might need far more. Using herbs by following the label and guessing at what you should take CAN BE dangerous, because of the factors listed above (for example, an herb that makes one person calm could make another totally bounce off the walls) The best way to find the herbal remedy for you is to talk to a professional.

Second, the best way to take most herbs is to get them fresh. Herbs loose their potency after only a few months and roots only last a year or two, depending on the plant and the way it's stored. Tinctures can greatly increase the lasting power for years, but they can also change the potency depending on the method of tincturing. If you can only get your chosen herb in the form of a powder, then you could try to find some empty capsules (they usually sell them at co-ops and health food stores) and then you can take them that way.

Third, herbs and vitamins are not very well regulated, at least not in the US. Most of the medical community in the US (regardless of what other countries such as Germany are doing as far as studies PROVING what little old ladies in the sticks have known for centuries) think that herbal remedies are just silly urban legends and don't actually work. So they're not too concerned when the herbal supplement has been sitting in a warehouse for months and is mixed with who knows what before hitting the shelves. Also (I know this is true for vitamins and I assume it's similar for herbs) most of the bottles you see of varying prices contain the exact same ingredients. There may be three big plants that produce powdered kava kava and distribute it to hundreds of other companies who put it in capsules and bottles and try to sell their label, not their own product. The best way to know what you are getting and that it's not treated with chemicals or extremely old is to get it locally or at least do a bit of research if you have to buy online. One really great company that I use is Wise Woman Herbal, I think they're based in Oregon.

All this being said, I tried kava kava and it did nothing for me. When I started to see my naturopath she had me stop taking that (along with rescue remedy, 5htp and all the other stuff I'd been self medicating with) and outfitted me with two supplements I'd never heard of and a homeopathic remedy (that is actually chocolate, I found out about a year into taking it). When I was trying to self medicate, I was getting nowhere because I really don't know enough about the intricacies of herbal medicine. There is so much to know that you wont find on the label or in a lot of books for laymen, that is why I now recommend talking to a professional. Even your local herbalist might be more helpful than doing it yourself. After taking what my naturopath prescribed, I'm SOOO much better and happier. She is such an amazing healer and I wish all of you could just see her, she's the first doctor in my whole life that I have ever trusted.


Well-known member
That's all the wor ya need

I've researched this and it seems the active ingredient is similar to VERY harmful illegal drugs, namely that one which makes you agressive and fight cars and punch walls if ya know what I'm talkin about >.>

Steer clear

well that's a snap judgment. I don't know, I sort of trust ancient wisdom about herbs rather than wikipedia. All they do to "prove" something works is do a scientific study involving a few hundred people, why not believe thousands of people using it for thousands of years? I guess it's not 'scientific' enough...

Sorry, I just get really angry when people talk about herbs being bad or dangerous. There is so much AMA and drug company-supported propaganda out there... I don't even want to start on my tirade because you'll all think I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist-backwoods-hippie-weirdo. Maybe I am?


Well-known member
i'd rather take it than klonopin or xanax if it works... however it's nt available here, but i saw st john wort (sp?) at a gnc, so ill try tht and see if i can somehow find kava


Well-known member
oh and imo, if it doesn't work, take more and it'll work :p i used to be very cautious when it came to swallowing pills, but as the time went by, if it worked for others, it HAD to work for me. For example a pill or 2 of valerian never made me sleepy so i took 4 and it knocked me out. haha


Well-known member
i'd rather take it than klonopin or xanax if it works... however it's nt available here, but i saw st john wort (sp?) at a gnc, so ill try tht and see if i can somehow find kava

St. John's Wort is for depression, not anxiety. Maybe if Kava Kava doesn't help you try Rescue Remedy?


Well-known member
Oh no come on you've got me all wrong here! :x

I think that if you talked to a few of my friends they'd verifythat Im a bit too drug-friendly, even with the illegal ones •coughcough•

But I've done the research on more than wikipedia alone trust me (I have quite a few sources and communities on this matter that I'm a part of), and I just think that it's better to stay far away from this medicine in particular. Can't really get into specifics here though

I don't think you can put herbs and drugs in the same category. Drugs are mind-altering for relaxation, recreation and personal growth. Herbs are for healing.

I trust that you have access to info on herbs and remedies, but the reason I'm still skeptical is because I've studied herbs for years (not intensively) and the one thing I've learned is that there is always more to learn! I have a lot of friends who have gone to the Micheal Moore herb school and various schools in California and North Carolina, plus studied under herbalists and my neighbor (up until two weeks ago) is an herbalist of 40 years and in all those people, the first person I've known who was really proficient is my naturopath. Because there are so many intricacies to how herbs work with different people and with the other things they are feeling, thinking and ingesting, I don't think just knowing about herbs is sufficient. To really use them properly, you need to be a healer, utilizing all forms of medicine at your disposal. So even though I used to be a serious self-medicator, I now realize that I will never know all of what there is to know to actually use these things properly (because I have other things I'd rather devote my life to).

So basically, if you can't get access to people with the knowledge you need, you can try to find herbs that work for you, but I don't think you should mess with medicines unless you're getting advice from a professional. But I also don't believe that kava kava is really dangerous, and I'm sorry, I don't trust your vague sources, Zeffolia.

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
haah i drank that b4. its like getting drunk but better. you dont get that headache. when i drank it i felt like an astronaut on the moon just the feeling no hallucinations or anything. its actually pretty safe but expensive!!!:)


Well-known member
Kava Kava is banned in the UK, so it can't be that great, they wouldn't ban it for no reason. I don't trust anything thats been banned by a Gvt, esp. if you have to eat or drink it, which is why i also steer clear of all other banned 'substances'.
Your Kava Kava sales pitch has failed here :¬|


New member
I used this for about 6 - 7 years right through my early to mid twenty's, i got the ground root powder and mixed about 6 table spoons into a pint of water, it was like drinking mud with pepper in it.. not fun, but very, very effective.

i remember going to job interviews, talking to people, even doing a bit of flirting with girls i liked, and all the while feeling totally calm and in control, it was amazing, i loved it. in contrast alcohol never had much effect on me, even guttered i was still nervous.

After it was banned in the UK i couldn't get any more, i had my liver tested a year or so later because i was going to be starting on meds that did have liver damage listed in their side effects, all the test were clear, my liver is fine and I'd been taking at least a pint of this most days for over 6 years lol.. i think it was mostly the pills and tincture that were extracted from the stocks and caused problems (the islanders did warn us), but anyway i can't get any more of the stuff so I'm back to being a recluse. oh happy days lol.


New member
Can you recommend how much kava and water to mix for one person? or How much grams of kava root powder is usually taken for treatment of moderate to severe anxiety ? thx