Just a bit about me


Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm in my late 20s, and I moved to a new city for a job about five months ago - and I realized that on a daily basis, I talk to more to more people back east than anyone here. I've always been uncomfortable in social situations, but it never occured to me as a major enough issue that I felt I needed to "talk" about it (I grew up in an emotionally vindictive family. If a problem was discussed openly, the information was often used later as a weapon to ridicule and humiliate) until a few weeks ago.

I had skipped the office Thanksgiving and Halloween parties, and co-workers typically questioned me on it - and I'd make up something about having to work on something. I figured that part of the detachment to my current environment was the fact that I'd avoided previous engagements. I felt sort of obligated to go to the Christmas party. I was there for about 15 minutes before I started feeling the classic chest tightness and shortness of breath associated with an anxiety attack. Needless to say, most of the office noticed that I had vanished less than an hour after I'd arrived, so it was the talk of the office the next day. Most of my co-workers have figured out that after work I simply go home and wait for work to start up again, so I fumbled some flimsy excuse and went on with my job.

I'm a journalist, so in my job I frequently approach and engage people I do not know or newsmakers I get to know from frequent interaction. It doesn't bother me in my job because I am able to detach myself and focus on what I need. When I am in a group social setting, the only thing my mind goes to is finding the fastest way out.

I find it tough acting clever, bold and gregarious while on the clock, while unable to overcome my fear, no matter how hard I try, if I'm there for my own 'enjoyment'. I can't be "on" all the time, and maintaing the facade of being charming and erudite at work, and working in a small city means I can't let my guard down until I am all alone, locked in my apartment.


Well-known member
Very interesting story here. I am quite similar actually, in the sense that i can manage while at work, but after that, when its "just socializing", i get caught up. Also like me, it seems like you can solve this problem. Theyr'es no reason to feel the way you do outside of work.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, im here to talk if you ever need it! :)
I'm a journalist, so in my job I frequently approach and engage people I do not know or newsmakers I get to know from frequent interaction. It doesn't bother me in my job because I am able to detach myself and focus on what I need. When I am in a group social setting, the only thing my mind goes to is finding the fastest way out.
That sounds exactly like my situation. I can function socially just fine in formal settings.