
How do I get rid of any judgemental feelings I have about other people? I've tried talking myself out of those types of thoughts. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
I remind myself that I am not in their situation, I have no idea why they do that they do. Things like that.

I used to be really bad at judging others....I have to remind myself to focus on myself, to examine myself before looking at others. I love the show "19 Kids & Counting" on TLC. The mom, Michelle, has a wonderful attitude. It may sound silly, but she's kind of a role model for me in the area of not judging others. I'd love to meet her someday....


Well-known member
I try to remind myself how much pain it causes me when I feel judged by others.

It's all about the Golden Rule.


Well-known member
I try to just tell myself that "we're only humans" and that it is not my place to judge. I try to think about what it would be like if I were in their place and stuff. I just tell myself to stop thinking like that and it has helped. I have become a very open-minded person over the years.
Quit watching TV. Think for yourself - figure things out ;).

I know I'm oversimplifying it, but it's true :).

The media brainwashes people, people get innacurate notions about other people, don't think for themselves and just assume that those notions are true. And they sure as hell, never find out for themselves how things really are ;).


Well-known member
im honestly probably the least judgemental person, i hope. i just dont know how to deal with judgemental people. i always attract those type of people as my friends, i absolutely hate it ::(:


Well-known member
"as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise"

What if we are all judging each other?

Then is everyone fair game?

you forgot the "as ye would" part

in other words: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

or better: "treat others as you would like them to treat you"


Well-known member
Well I think everyone can be judgemental and it is very normal to judge others. The first impression we get of others is a very important step in our way to build our picture of each other.

If for instance we see a blond woman who shows a little too much, we are thinking her as stupid (when I say we I mean the majority).

If you try to look in a street, you will see that we often walk in groups. It is very rare you wil see punkers going with young businessmen in suits. They are completely different people and belong to different groups If we see something that does not belong to our group, we tend to be affraid. It is the same with racism. It is something that happends in the primitive part of the brain but it is very hard to change these actions.

If an older man lets say 65 is walking arround in the city with a 30 year old woman. They are kissing and holding their arms arround each other. What would most people think? Most people would think that the woman is with him for money and if the man is not well dressed, they will probably also think that he hits her. And people will have these opions quickly after they see them, even though they have never talked to them, they dont know their name or anything but even though most people would think this way. In Denmark for instance, if you are convicted of something like violence, then you will probably get a lower sentence if you wear a suit, because then you will signalize trust and a person in a suit who signalize trust and that he has a good control on his life, he will get a lower sentence. It is sad but it is the truth.

I think it is impossible to get rid of judgemental people as it is such a big part of how we human function.