job hunting and interviews of doom


Well-known member
ok so ive been trying to find a new job. i currently have one, but the pay is terrible, the hours are miniscule, and the people are stressing me out.
I recently applied to a little icecream place. i was almost too shy to ask for an app, but my boyfriend pushed me to ask. so i applied and got a call to set up an interview (but i missed the call, so i just got the voicemail).
took me a few days before i got the courage to return the call, but couldnt get ahold of anyone. now im afraid to call back or stop in >__<
and i know of places that need people to work, but im too afraid to just stop by and ask for an application >_< idk what to do. i need the money, but my fears are getting the best of me.

what do i do?? ;_;


Well-known member
I used to dread interviews as well, I'm actually pretty good at them now. You'll find most interviewers ask the same questions, so you can think of responses before you go in. It's a lot easier if you're prepared. How to Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions | Wise Bread

You might also consider a temp agency if there is one available. You interview once with them, and they do all the job searching for you. It's also quite common for the company they send you to work for to hire you on full-time if you do a good job.
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Well-known member
I know how u feel. Do u have a girl friend that could call and pretend to be you? If you dont muster the courage to call or have someone do it for u, u could apply at a store that does online applications. That way the only part you have to worry abouy is answering their call/caling back!


Well-known member
dont really have any friends that are girls...sooo..
i have applied to a few places online, but no luck so far.
and thanks for the link of interview questions. could help some

Roman Legion

Well-known member
My issue is when I went to an interview, not being able to talk.. I haven't looked for a job in ages as fast food isn't even hiring where I live right now, let alone anything decent. I already learned working in fast food with SM is next to impossible.. Especially if the fast food place you work at is McDonalds.. They hire anyone, even convicted felons.. ::(: