Janitor jobs: how to get them??


I'm going to keep it short because I'm depressed with my poor performance at my current job which requires strong social skills. I plan on quitting very soon.

How do I get a job as a janitor? I know its not as simple as applying for one because many places get their janitors from a company that supplies janitors on demand. Maybe I'm wrong? I don't know.

How did you get your job as a janitor?
Do you know how to get a job as a janitor?

PS: If you have any other ideas on jobs that do not require strong social skills please say them. But don't make the entire thread about them. (No jobs that require degrees)


It also probably depends on where you're from. It can be in every country different.


I guess that's an important detail.

United States, South Florida. I live in a suburban area with lots of schools (2 elementary, 1 middle, 2 highschool, 3 colleges all on the same street :eek:) and shopping centers. Nothing else around here besides that.


There's 100s of people to ask. Most of them probably don't know. I also feel dumb asking "how do I become a janitor?". I guess with SA the obvious thing to do becomes the feared thing to do. That's why I'm asking here from the safety of the internet. I'm sure someone on this board is a janitor and can tell me how they got their job?


You go there and ask in some office, you'd like to become a janitor, whom you should speak to. They will send you to the appropriate place. Or you could also phone them and ask if this post is available.


I'll try. I'm used to being laughed at so it shouldn't hurt too bad. There has been times where I have been screamed at for asking for an application. Or a few times where an bad-tempered female employee kind of laughed at my SA and wouldn't even give me an application (females pick up on SA quickly ::eek:: ). I don't know about anywhere else but job seekers here are treated like dogs. The moment I walk in Im treated with a fair share of negativity.

Does anyone else have any helpful advice?
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Thanks. I checked and there's tons of janitorial jobs on there. Never considered cragislist for job searching. This is a big help. (Now I can make my family proud by becoming a janitor :rolleyes: )


Well-known member
You can also consider a security guard position, though you need to take some brief special training and get a ticket i think (it's like a 1 or 2 day thing). Then you can apply for an evening security job that doesn't require customer service. I don't think there's much difference in pay from being a janitor though, but it's another option.


Well-known member
i work as part time janitor and go to school full time college. I got the janitor job so I can interact with people. I got the job through someone I know. The pay isn't bad and your alone most of the time which is good if you have SA.

It will be alot easier if you know someone who is working for cleaning company he can put a good word for you


I don't know anyone who can get me in so hopefully I can find the job on my own. I wouldn't want to be a security guard though. I'm just not the right type of person for security work.


Well-known member
Go to The Board of Education in your town or city and ask for an application.

I work in a an Elementary School and they have 3 janitors--bigger schools will have more, one works during the day, Head Custodian until 3pm (he starts at 6:30 and he is in charge) when school lets out and the other 2 work after school from 3-11pm at night bcuz they are full time with good benefits ..these two are always alone for the most part and do make good money. The guy incharge makes around $25 an hour!!! He's been there for 12 yrs i think :)


Well-known member
Janitors often have to have some kind of experience. There are also porter positions at warehouses and such if you can't get in right away to janitorial work.


Well-known member
i have no clue whatsoever, so many jobs want experience that its laughable, i mean you can always keep applying and you will probably get some interviews, i've only managed to get into kitchenhand/hospitality recently which i'm sick of so i know how you feel. i mean i have some retail experience and customer service to so all i can say is keep applying and go to the agencies. i've been applying for graduate positions and still nothing, perhaps its not a boom time or its just sheer luck. it seems to me that alot of jobs come from the inside from people knowing other people and putting a word in..


Well-known member
Thanks. I checked and there's tons of janitorial jobs on there. Never considered cragislist for job searching. This is a big help. (Now I can make my family proud by becoming a janitor :rolleyes: )

Man - if you can find peace working as a janitor at this stage in your life then you go for it. What that job will do for you is give you head space to think about what other possibilities are out there in the future. Good luck buddy and let us know how you got on.