it's hard having the normal life


Well-known member
Idk if my life is normal exactly but it's weird going from being a kid and a teen who was alone most of the time and as an adult being around people a lot. My days are the usual 9-5 plus some travel (which requires public transport :s ) After work I get asked how was your day... what did you do? Like twice. So it takes me another hour to recap everything and then it's like okay it's time try to keep the couple friends I have entertained in that little bit of time. I stay up until 1am so I have time to be alone instead of just sleeping it away which makes the time race. I wanna find a friend who will just be there but not need to talk lol. Does anyone else have this kind of schedule and how to you deal with it?
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Well-known member
welcome to the rat race? I generally can't go without sleep so I'd have to cut out something.


Well-known member
That's just everyday life. However, the better you are at organizing your time (for instance, you don't need to waste an entire day recapping what happened, you can just be vague and yet still provide a satisfactory answer), the less you'll feel like you don't have time for this and that. Swim with the current, not against it.


Active member
hey crab, i have been in a 'normal' 9-5 job again for over a yr now. (i've worked full-time with two jobs for a year before back in 2011 then it was just part-time before while in uni too) and i dont get many people asking me about my day or weekend really as i'm secluded in work and in a separate office room to others. however, i feel ashamed if a staff member asks what i did on the weekend and i said nothing! i'm not really active much and i get so tired by the end of the day and week. i have a long-term boyfriend who i can confide in and we rarely ask about each others' days now unless we have something to say as we just wanna enjoy each other and not talk about crappy work! i hate the rat race already and dont want to do it for the rest of my life. i have medium social anxiety, depression and low-self esteem with hyperhidrosis too so i think this is all adds to my tiredness and unwillingness to keep working full-time. i know i'm not disabled but my mental health problems and my chronic sweating makes it hard for me to participate in the 'real' world with the 'normals' and i'm surprised there's no real help for us with these long-term mental health problems just because we're not a threat to society or really ourselves and can basically get on with it just because that's what we've always have to do yet lazy, benefit scroungers, dishonest people and naughty kids get better treatment and more empathy with them finding it hard to work. any1 else feel like this?? ps it was mental health awareness week last wk in the uk