It's amazing what a set of boobs can do! O.o

(not porn btw so dont worry) :)

Check this girl out
- look at the amount of photo comments she's got on that ONE photo!
- and look at the amount of friends she's got..

Also bear in mind she's been on this site just under a year.

Not only that but she has absolutely NOTHING written on her profile!

I've been on that site, probably 2 years and havent gotten that (though i have denied friend requests and comments from about a million creeps -so maybe she didnt!). I've apparently got an interesting profile though so it makes normal genuine people want to talk to me..... and the creeps who ONLY look at the photo's and copy and paste the same message to every girl!
The one way to guarantee attention on that site is to show a bit of skin. I let like a milimetre of cleavage show once (didn't even notice), and that photo kept being commented on!


Really shows how shallow and perverted a lot of people are...
Its gotten to the point that i kinda like when people start coming on my page to abuse me, rather than talk about marriage or cam!!


Staff member
my freind got me to join that site but I just keep getting offers of marriage in the PMs I get ::p:


Well-known member
I always thought Tagged is a poor man's bebo, which in itself is a poor man's facebook. But I don't actually have accounts on either anymore.


Well-known member
How can you tell all of this by looking at the woman's photo? I think a person can tell that she knows she's sexy. She could just be an exhibitionist.?

Ha, I was talking about a girl that was below in one of her comments after a friend mentioned it. Believe me dear, if I had a nice huge set like that, I'd be putting them in a glass display case. She's not even showing skin? That'd be awfully judgmental when almost every woman wears outfits like that.