It's all in your head.


I just feel like typing this...

It's all in your head.
It's true. It's all a fabrication of your mind.
It's not you. You are healthy, like a baby born.
It's the thoughts and beliefs in your mind.
From your past experience. From your parents maybe. From the self talk.
They manifested in your mind throughout the years.
And they convinced you that it's you that is the problem.
How did you let that happen? Wake up!
Your body doesn't lie. It speaks for your thoughts.
Can't you see how your heart suddenly beats faster, or how you become sweaty?
Your body is responding to your poisoned thoughts. Thoughts that aren't real.
Thoughts that manifested their way into your mind throughout the years.
Wake up.
Watch this very moment.
You are not your thoughts.
Don't run away from those thoughts. Running away will bring them back.
Let them be. Let them happen. Watch them. Smell them. Poke them.
Realize that you are not them. You are not your thoughts.
Once you form this space. Between you and those thoughts. You'll be set free.
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Was it supposed to be a poem, or just a free-write? Cool stuff. And I think what you're saying is mostly accurate.

I'm going to be annoying, though (don't bite my head off, anyone), and point out that even if you can recognize that they are simply thoughts and don't reflect reality, that won't set you free. Not right away, anyway. Putting that space between yourself and your fearful thoughts is only the very beginning.

I'm sure many people here are aware that their thoughts are irrational - I know I certainly am. But I still get that fear reaction in many situations. Recognizing they are irrational is only the very first step in improving. You have to find new ways of thinking to replace the old ways. You have to use other strategies. And do them again and again. And constantly work at it, challenging yourself in every way you can. And then hopefully... you'll be free.
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Well-known member
Now is an opportune time to introduce you to Dr Claire Weekes. Follow her programme and you will be cured. The programme itself is simple but you have to want to be cured and to be prepared to put in the requisite effort.

Dr Claire Weekes - Self Help Method for Your Nerves
Her principal book is called ‘Self Help for your Nerves’.

Scroll down for some audio.


Thanks for the nice comments guys. Gives me a warm feeling. :)
Was it supposed to be a poem, or just a free-write? Cool stuff. And I think what you're saying is mostly accurate.

I'm going to be annoying, though (don't bite my head off, anyone), and point out that even if you can recognize that they are simply thoughts and don't reflect reality, that won't set you free. Not right away, anyway. Putting that space between yourself and your fearful thoughts is only the very beginning.

I'm sure many people here are aware that their thoughts are irrational - I know I certainly am. But I still get that fear reaction in many situations. Recognizing they are irrational is only the very first step in improving. You have to find new ways of thinking to replace the old ways. You have to use other strategies. And do them again and again. And constantly work at it, challenging yourself in every way you can. And then hopefully... you'll be free.
You are absolutely right. I'm glad you posted this. I'm in fact in the beginning stage of recovery, and according the readings and videos I have watched on this subject, it's exactly how you described it. It takes regular practice and involves doings/actions by facing the phobic situations and be in them and trying not to avoid or escape them and then recording your progress in a journal and such. I'm recovering but I also try to remind myself that I need to be conscious that there's still a road ahead for 100% full recovery. I think becoming conscious of the problem and that it's a problem you have and not a part of your being is a very big step. Hence why I mentioned "you'll be set free" but yeah it takes more than that as you thankfully elaborated. Ah, it isn't a poem, just scattered thoughts in the early morning. Cheers for your valuable comment. :)
Very cool 'stream of consciousness' exercise! I like to write out these kinds of things when I feel general anxiety that I can't quite put my finger on. Sometimes seeing it on paper (or on the screen) organizes my thoughts and helps me sort out the irrational ones from the real issues at hand. Thanks for sharing!