It will never "get better", will it?


Well-known member
I've found as I got older I got better at dealing with SA, or basically just stopped being so concerned about how I was percieved, by my 30's I had reduced it alot, maybe this is why we have most users here in there teens and early twenties, I'd say thats when the condition peaks.

Agreed, at this stage in life, whether kids our age or younger want to admit, how we're seen and perceived is a worry. It will always be that way for anyone at this point in their life, with school and pressures of friends. It's sad but hopefully something that will correct itself as that said person gets older.


Well-known member
I was sexually and emotionally abused starting at a young age, I was in kinder garden and I was already a loner. I was that weird, that kissed the teacher on the cheeks for reasons I can't remember (I suspect reactive attachment disorder + brainwashing by my "female maker" and my female maker's female maker).

Anyways, I spent practically my whole life in isolation hiding from my abusers, I "lost" the faculty to speak my first language at 13 years old and couldn't care less to get it back.

I finally moved away from home, I'm 20 years old without a real family and without friends of any kind, and yet I still believe that things can get better. I've lost faith and thought about ending it right there many times, but I somehow always managed to come back into the ring.

You know, it's hard gauging yourself correctly without people to see the real you. Over periods of months, you can change a lot, but still barely notice it because the change is gradual.

Don't give up yet, you can always have the last of everything, but only if you want to.