Isolation and lack of daily social interaction


Well-known member
Does anyone else experience that when there's been a few days without being around people, it becomes harder, you become more introverted and more prone to think negatively/be more clumsy and anxious?

And that when you have a lot of social interaction it becomes easier to flow from one situation into the next? I have this a lot. Some days I feel like I have to break through a mental barrier of sorts to meet people, because I just spend too much time on my own and in my own head. It's like tapping into the social part of the brain and once you're in there, everything flows a lot better, my talking skills improve, and I just generally feel better. Though I guess it also depends on the people, because being around some people drains energy.


Well-known member
I almost feel awkward around everyone. Being more social doesn't change anything for me. I have great communicative skills but suffer from poor body language.


Well-known member
I do that, too. I think it's just related to being in my own head too much instead of focusing on what's happening.


Well-known member
Does anyone else experience that when there's been a few days without being around people, it becomes harder, you become more introverted and more prone to think negatively/be more clumsy and anxious?

This is true for me too. I hit rock bottom several years ago when I had no one to talk to and felt so alone.