Sorry to hear you feel that way... Know that other people may be much nicer than your parents!!
Sometimes the parents can be 'worst critics' (mine scan be sometimes, sort of - that's because they can also be biggest fans, if you make things happen!) - and other people can be much more friendly!
Sometimes parents see kids as 'extensions' of themselves, sigh.. And can't see they're unique and different...
Stay in your room if you need to, for a while, until things calm down maybe? And you feel calmer.. Better to be a hikkikomori and still alive than do something silly.. You can still come out of your room later..
You sound really upset and angry, hope things get better...
My parents can sometimes only understand if I get a cold or a flu, then they sort of back off.. Or if I physically tell them what steps I have been taking or what I have accomplished.. (Otherwise Dad may think I play computer games all day - I never play computer games!)
I'm getting tested for celiac so this is something they can understand too.. Can you get some tests from your doctor? Maybe that could help convince parents too to give you a break? (Read on Lyme disease or celiac, maybe what you think is depression could be really a physical illness? Read if you can recognize yourself in any of the symptoms, some can be atypical..)