Is your home cluttered?


Well-known member
I hate clutter! Our house is not that big inside although on the outside it looks sizeable....Kind of like the opposite of the Tardis! My mother does her Christmas shopping and Birthday shopping throughout the year and she hoards all the stuff in bags behind the sofa and a chair in the living room. Because of this the sofa is a good metre away from the wall it used to be on a good 12 years ago. The already not very big room is even smaller because of this and the same goes for the room under the stairs (carrier bags everywhere full of stuff)...I just find that clutter makes me feel sick and closed in....Sometimes panicky.

When/if i get my own place i'm going to try my best to keep it clutter free.


Well-known member
I work at home and spend a lot of time in my bedroom/office, which I keep meticulously clean. I can't think or do my job when there's clutter, it totally ruins the mood for me.

But I live with my sister in an apartment, and she is an utter slob. I clean up a bit when she leaves every day. But when she comes back, within 2 minutes it's like a bloody tornado has wreaked havoc on the place.

So I usually like to keep things clean and tidy, but supernatural forces beyond my control are intent on maintaining a certain level of chaos in my life ;)
I hate clutter as well. It drives me nuts. I live with my father who is an electrical engineer. So my house is filled with crap like this:

I mean what the f*ck is this crap?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yes! and i hate it! i hoard stuff like crazy. ive got tons of paper everywhere. first i write notes to myself, tons of them, but ive got god awful handwriting, so i cant even read most of them. second ive got all these handouts, which ive been told "will be sooo useful later". i was cleaning just yesterday and came across this hand out on " how to identify deaf children", and my first impulse was to keep if i need to be told how to figure out a kids deaf!


Well-known member
Yeah,but its a family home so its not all my fault!.But my room does tend to get quite messy,i only tidy it up when it gets too much but im not that bothered about cleaning.My house when il leave home,if i can get one,will probably end up on the TV show "how clean is your house?" with all the DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN! music


Well-known member
yes my room is a little messy. The thing about messiness that bothers me is if it's in an area that everyone shares- i can't stand a messy kitchen, living room, and ESPECIALLY bathroom.

my mom isn't an extreme hoarder, but she's like kept 2 smoothie blenders never been used for years. When i ask her about it, she says we might need it... uh we have another blender we use for smoothies. And like when I was a kid we had a storage unit filled to the gils with crap- everything in there got lost because she got delinquient on payments. Kinda a blessing in disguise, even though im sure there were a few things (ie photos) that were lost and can't be recovered. But its one of those things, that if ya kept it nice in the first place, we never would have had that problem.
And my mom doesn't throw things away immediately- makes me angry if i think about it so i try not to. She wonders why she can't find anything, and it's like maybe if you threw away the junk mail, old reciepts, or just put things in the same place everytime you wouldn't have this problem. It always takes her like 5 minutes to find her keys in her purse. like omggggg- get a smaller purse (which i have bought for her years ago)
her answer is always "we might need it"
ugh. its frustrating for me, but at the same time, I accept that that's the way she is and try not change it. and again, it's not horrible, but the way she organizes things makes no sense to me. yeah i can't wait to have my own place, i can keep it sparkling clean, and not worry about other people's messes. I've been trying to get rid of my own clutter- and I've been doing pretty well, I think. I've sold things I've never thought I'd sell, and I've been able to get rid of things from childhood. I have a hard time getting rid of things, usually because I can't afford a proper replacement. I'm really not that bad, I try to go on the rule, if you haven't used it or done the goal in a year (sometimes 6 months- if it's just really in the way) then get rid of it. And sometimes I will just put things in a box for awhile, and realize that I never touched it, and it makes it easier to get rid of it. I have a better time giving things to goodwill than throwing them out completely. It's easier for me to keep possessions around than people :/. But I want to simplify my life, and that means tossing out clutter....