Is trying really worth it?


Well-known member
So do you feels like it's always worth trying

( I might be over thinking this as usual )

Doing it right now, that has to be the most nerve wrecking thing i did in a long time. I saw her on fb a few times but always back down and today I gave it a shot.

after a small insignificant talk, she hasn't reply in 10 minutes and now she is offline for like 10 mins

I think I would have been better off wondering what could happen and regrets then having this empty feeling

Great I can't wait to see her in class later on :rolleyes:


Well-known member
meeting someone is like opening a new bottle of wine

uncork it, then let it breathe a bit - don't rush it

give it time to develop the subtle qualities that make it unique


Well-known member
meeting someone is like opening a new bottle of wine

uncork it, then let it breathe a bit - don't rush it

give it time to develop the subtle qualities that make it unique

Oh i'm not rushing it, approaching her took a year and 3 months, talking to her on facebook took another 4 months.

I really took my time, but it seems like i better move on right now


Well-known member
As far as romance goes, I will always advocate getting off the computer. Forget facebook. Find someone you can go to the club with on a Friday night. Have a few drinks, try to talk to a cute girl here and there. Try to get into fun, spontaneous situations with women. It's a much better way of gaining confidence, and your success ratio will very likely be higher than it is on the PC. Bravery will always be rewarded in the end. So yes, trying is absolutely worth it - just make sure you're not trying the same thing with the same bad results over and over.

And of course it's a big step to get to this point, but I really do think it's the direction you want to be heading in. The internet can be a colossal waste of time if it's not working for you.


Well-known member
Do you feel you have to give up entirely?
Isn't it possible to just not focus on her so much- switch gears?


Well-known member
As far as romance goes, I will always advocate getting off the computer. Forget facebook. Find someone you can go to the club with on a Friday night. Have a few drinks, try to talk to a cute girl here and there. Try to get into fun, spontaneous situations with women. It's a much better way of gaining confidence, and your success ratio will very likely be higher than it is on the PC. Bravery will always be rewarded in the end. So yes, trying is absolutely worth it - just make sure you're not trying the same thing with the same bad results over and over.

And of course it's a big step to get to this point, but I really do think it's the direction you want to be heading in. The internet can be a colossal waste of time if it's not working for you.

Well i'm not really the outgoing type and don't really like clubs or bars, but you are right, for the amount of time I tried online ( like 8 years) I had just a lil bit of success. Though this girl is a classmate, she is not just a random girl online


Well-known member
Do you feel you have to give up entirely?
Isn't it possible to just not focus on her so much- switch gears?

Maybe I should, but as of right now might be just too soon to change focus, as soon as I go to class today and I see her I won't be able to just forget about it.

When someone you like gives you a little bit of interest, you tend to over thinking or over wish things lol


Well-known member
Maybe I should, but as of right now might be just too soon to change focus

It's not that you have to lose interest. She can still be a focus, it's just that if you have other foci in your life as well, your interest becomes better balanced.

Gaining her interest would still be a good thing, but it's no longer a matter of life and death. And if you're less stressed about it, she's more likely to be interested.


Well-known member
I know well how it hurts to be ignored. Anyway, it's just the start, she didn't say no to you. Just don't get obsessed.


Well-known member
I know well how it hurts to be ignored. Anyway, it's just the start, she didn't say no to you. Just don't get obsessed.
Too late lol, she is my first and last thought for the past couple of months. Though I saw her online last night but didn't talk to her


Well-known member
Too late lol, she is my first and last thought for the past couple of months. Though I saw her online last night but didn't talk to her

Well, if you don't want her to be, don't look at her fb last thing before going to sleep (it really helps :))
often, what's last on our mind before sleep is the first thing in the morning too - maybe find a relaxing book/activity/website to look at before going to sleep?

I think it's BRAVE you talked to her, RL is really important though too - can you go have a cup of tea with her after/between classes (maybe with other people if that's easier?) or go to a concert/event together? (It doesn't have to be clubbing or such.)
Based on her and your interests, maybe there's an event that could be 'doable' for you both?

Also, like others said, to have other interests and meet other girls and talk to them too... can be as friends or just 'getting to know each other'... then you'll know better what you like and expect in a girl, and what you can offer too...
Even when it goes wrong, its an experience.Its good to take risks and have experiences This is better put it in the famous words of Lord Alfred Tennyson

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

The Observer

Well-known member
Its easier said than done, But yeah I think Its better to try than not. What you got to lose if you start out with nothing? Nothing to lose and everything to gain.