Is this Schizophrenia?


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lately i've noticed myself staring into space alot while i'm in classes and i can barely remember the content and it takes me ages to understand the concepts. our teachers will stand up and speak for an hour and its just in one ear and out the other lately. the subjects are relatively complex but alot of the students find easy conceptually what i find seems to make no sense. i notice that people around me can remember and take on board what i find quite difficult.
i aslo go for drives in my car to places and i don't actually get out of the car as i intended to, sometimes i go places and i just walk around without any intention or purpose just so i'm actually out and about and not stuck somewhere on my own ...just strange behaviour like that. also if i'm home alone i'll become quite erratic and start singing and talking loud random lines from tv shows or music/lyrics to exert verbal energy because i hold back around people so much ..

people may be explaning a procedure of instructions or a story to me and sometimes i'll see it differently to how it was intended.

i've also become really lazy when it comes to important adult responsibilities. like paying bills, filling out forms before due dates etc. it feels like i've made up my own rules that i feel i can live by. that doesnt nessesarily fit into the rest of the world i'm also feeling very narcissistic, jeolous all the time. bitter ...

other then all that i feel relatively normal. i can still think clearly and i'm sharp. i just feel lost in life and always indecisive and hesitant and a little zoned out ...

i believe that this may affect my grades this year so i'm trying to get a grip now before its too late. i feel uncertain about the future. i can see myself homeless and struggling on a low income job. this isn't about intelligence or knowledge, its simply a factor of not believing in myself which could ruin everything if i let it ....

i just needed to vent
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Well-known member
Sounds like you have just lost all your motivation and ur realy bored sumtimes u go out to get rid of ur boredom but your stil bored.i do fall into this trap nearly every year and then snap out of it eventualy when my motivation comes not stupid but sumtimes find it hard to take things in and its usualy cus i have not a bit of interest in what i have to learn
No I do not think it is Schizophrenia. My mom has schizophrenia
so I should know what it is.

I think in your case, and I can relate, you are just bored and you
have nothing to keep your mind stimulated and you just end up
in that voided place.
For me it's boredom+depression (I think) which wears of your
ambition completely.
I have had this problem for a few years now.

Is it like you have not motivation for anything?
Even things you once liked are just not in your interest anymore?

I would like to discuss this further and get feedback from others
as I feel like this also.
it can't be schizophrenia cuz, from what I know a person with schizo isn't aware of him having schizo, so it's a good sign that r thinking that r crazy, which means r not crazy:p


Well-known member
I do most of that stuff. I can't make decisions at all, I'm really indecisive and lack direction. My ambitions change regularly but I live life by pleasing other people and following the path of least resistance.

My concentration can be pretty poor at times as well. I'm easily distracted by my own thoughts so don't always take in what people are telling me. I leave a lot of important stuff until the last minute as well.

I know what you're saying about the random word thing as well. I do that a lot, although I think that is linked to my tourettes as they just slip out from nowhere.