Is there any way they can increase the amount of PMs you can have?


I swear my Private Message box gets to 100% every 5 seconds. It holds less messages than an ancient floppy disk from 1960. What's up with that?


Well-known member
Heh I see a mr.popular here ;P Anyway, I think the admin set some kind of limit to it... And I agree, the amount of message it holds compared to most forums is very limited.


Well-known member
I think cuz it would cost the webmaster more money if people had more stuff saved he limited the amount of messages people could receive.


Well-known member
Near the bottom your allowed to download all your messages in 1 of 3 formats.
So if your into archiving, you could just do that before you delete all your messages to free up more space for send/receive.


Super Moderator
That would be a good idea. I hope it will be posible someday. It would be great if the inbox had unlimited space, or if you could make folders to store the important messages.


Well-known member
You've outgrown the PM system here. It's time to move on to the tools that professional social butterflies use.