Is it?


Well-known member
Since I have anxiety and ADD, my doctor told me to think twice before getting my license.


Active member
Thank you for all your replies - I really need to do this.

Im sending off for my provisional on friday if i can find all my id documents , Birthcertificate is all i really have , and some utility bills is that enough?

I did once send off for it before and they sent it back saying not enough id so this time ill send my birth cert.

The main thing im worrying about is not the "driving" a car but roundabouts and the like , The main driving around streets i think ill be ok with but the heavy traffic situations is on my mind too much .

Anyway im not going to let it stop me trying. If i fail then i can only get better i suppose , also its kind of like a goal i want to reach so it takes my mind off other worries . Working , relationships and the like ....

Anyway thanks for all your replies .

What about medication and driving , im on martazipine at the minute but thinking of stopping been on a week and i feel in a different planet all of the time
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I have driven only for a very short time, reasonably well though (for my expectations at least). I am not sure if I would ever become so confident like others though.. I have problem in making quick decisions like knowing which exit to take, or which lane etc. And parking :rolleyes:. But at least I am confident in riding my bike :D.


Well-known member
driving is easy for me. i have a friend who has panic attacks driving in heavy traffic, though. funny enough, he doesn't have any other anxiety problems.


Driving itself is no big deal for me, I'm actually pretty good at it. The stress and anxiety kicks in when I need to park or when I'm stuck in traffic. Parking because I can feel others getting impatient when I don't get right the first go and with being stuck it's the nosy people that are looking around. Like I don't know what I'm supposed to do in the car.. I just feel very uncomfortable being watched.


Active member
Driving itself is no big deal for me, I'm actually pretty good at it. The stress and anxiety kicks in when I need to park or when I'm stuck in traffic. Parking because I can feel others getting impatient when I don't get right the first go and with being stuck it's the nosy people that are looking around. Like I don't know what I'm supposed to do in the car.. I just feel very uncomfortable being watched.

Woooh thats put me off big time lol. Should i withdraw my £50 now and save myself the misery?


Well-known member
I was always very comfortable with driving until I bought my current car. It's my first with a manual transmission, and I'm not nearly as smooth with the shifting as I would like to be. I feel like everyone can hear when I mess up a shift.


Woooh thats put me off big time lol. Should i withdraw my £50 now and save myself the misery?

Noo, I think you should give yourself a chance to try it! Wasn't my intention to discourage you. I mean, this is only my negative experiences with it and it doesn't necessarily have to mean that it will also apply to you. There are also so many nice parts about driving, which weight up more then the anxiety and is the reason I do still go on the road. Also you can drive until you find easy spots to park to begin with, and put on some music to distract you once you do feel nerves. Just try it and see how it works out for you and imagine how proud you will feel once you finally did it. :)