
New member
I have suffered from this since I was thirteen,and I'm 29 now.I don't know but maybe I'm the only one who gets the stupid ?'s from people.Such as"Can't you just take a pill and make that go away?",or the one I absolutely love"It's all in your could make it go away if you wanted to".So I think to myself"YEAH...I really enjoy feeling like I'm going to faint,and actually fainting when in a crowd of people".I enjoy feeling as if I can't function or breath....I guess I could understand more if you ask about my disorder instead of thinking you know the cure for it.I could be talking to much soooo....Is it just me who feels this way??


Well-known member
No way - most of the world is incredibly clueless about this. What? Just get over it! Take some medicine! People aren't scary, so what's wrong with you?? Pull yourself together!
Yeah, it sucks. I don't get it because I keep it to myself - but the things I see online...


Well-known member
While there certainly is widespread misunderstanding and ignorance about social anxiety, the same is true of most psychological disorders, and plenty of other things like race, nationality, and religion.

I've grappled with a lot of such ignorance in my own life, but have found that it isn't very productive to feel resentment towards people for not "getting it".

For one thing, there the possibility that you're equally as ignorant about some aspect of their life. Few people have an encyclopedic knowledge of mental illness, and even some psychiatrists, whose job involves having that kind of familiarity may not understand a particular disorder if they've rarely encountered it in their work. Put simply: most people have no reason to know any better.

There's also the problem that we're usually limited to very subjective descriptions of what it's like. Sufferers of the disorder tend to have a second-hand understanding of what "normal" feels like, so it can be very difficult to relate. (Many of us have had this familiar conversation: Phobic:"I feel uncomfortable in situation X." Non-Phobic:"Oh, me too. Everybody does." Phobic:"No, I mean I feel really uncomfortable.", etc.)

Objectively, there are studies and statistics, which don't really convey anything about the experience of the disorder, and there are diagnostic criteria, which involve such vague wording that people can find confusing. I've found that sharing these with people is best done in combination with describing your subjective experience.

Social Phobia can be particularly confusing to some if they see you as being fine in some situations but not in others. For example: Where once I found it impossible to order food in a restaurant or approach a counter in a store, now I do it readily. Yet I still consider myself phobic because there are still huge areas that I find extremely difficult or impossible. To an outside observer it may seem very selective or inconsistent. It would be wrong to think that they should understand that easily.

Finally, I think it's important to remember that it really isn't that important for people to understand everything about your disorder. It's your problem to solve, and helpful as others can be, the most important part is yourself. I know when I was younger and just starting to understand my issues I desperately wanted someone to understand exactly what I was going through. After years of feeling like people just didn't get it, I realized that I was getting a lot of value out of trying to explain what I was going through, regardless of whether I felt like they understood. Everything I put into to words was something that helped me better understand myself, and that's the real trick to helping myself.


Active member
the sad fact is that if someone cant see an illness they think it doesn't exist.

people are ignorant to things they have no comprehension or experience of.

there are various conditions where people can taste things if they hear a certain word, or they see colours when they hear a piece of music. these are things which i don't suffer from but because i have SP, i make an effort to try and understand how this can affect people.

the sad reality is that many people will not start to think about this unless it happens to them or someone they know.


Well-known member
Yeah; It sucks sometimes.
When I'm almost passing out/throwing up in a crowded mall&my mom is next to me, getting pissed at me for staring at the ground trying not to look at things&feeling uncomfortable. Next time I'll try harder! I'll just "get over it!"
alright don't get mad at me when I say what I'm about to say...I'm just being brudally honest...

It seems to me that a lot of people on this forum aren't doing anything to better themselves. Social anxiety IS in your head. If you close your eyes right now and have a little fake conversation with an imaginary person I bet the imaginary you will have a million things to say. What does this mean? Well it means that it's something to do with the situation, the time and what you're telling yourself at the time.

I bet that most of you had a ton of oppertunities today to talk to people but instead of exposing yourself to other people (sadly, this is the ONLY way to overcome SA) you decided to stay where it's safe in your home and come on this forum..

I know it's really hard to make yourself come to the realization that you're NOT special, and you DON'T deserve special attention but it's true. To me, people with social anxiety are just like emo kids...we complain and complain but never do anything to solve our problems.

Theres this one devotivational poster that I saw once. It said "EMO. Because actually solving your problems would require effort." Replace the word emo with SA and it still reads true.

It's time you get off of your ass and try to lose thing you label SA! I've been trying to lose my SA for like a year now, and I've actually come a LONG way! Now it's your turn!!!!!!!

I have suffered from this since I was thirteen,and I'm 29 now.I don't know but maybe I'm the only one who gets the stupid ?'s from people.Such as"Can't you just take a pill and make that go away?",or the one I absolutely love"It's all in your could make it go away if you wanted to".So I think to myself"YEAH...I really enjoy feeling like I'm going to faint,and actually fainting when in a crowd of people".I enjoy feeling as if I can't function or breath....I guess I could understand more if you ask about my disorder instead of thinking you know the cure for it.I could be talking to much soooo....Is it just me who feels this way??

Damn right! I just hate it when someone tells me "those people aren't thinking about you, only you suffer when you stew about them" - they just don't understand my mind.
I find many people say very naive/stupid things about most forms of psychopathology including social anxiety. I have certainly gotten the why does he act so weird comments as if i do it because I want to. But my girlfriend also had some severe disorders that were different than mine and she would get really stupid comments to about them.
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Well-known member
My parents didn't help at all. They actually made me feel worse. It's like they thought I was making it all up for attention. Seriously! Why would anyone do that?:mad: I'm so glad I moved out.

The thing I hated the most is when the whole family used to go to the movies and on the way out of the theater, we had to get on the elevator. It was usually super crowded. That to me is my biggest terror. Like entering a dungeon full of sharp spears. Of course my parents would tell me to stop acting like a baby and get in the elevator. I've never fainted, but I came close to many times. When I'm in a small crowded space I start hyperventilating. If I don't get out of that place fast enough, I might pass out. ::(:


Super Moderator
I can't believe that something that seems it's so common is so misunderstood... I'm going to agree that a lot of people are dumb. Sometimes I wonder if anyone cares. From what i've read here about "friends" and even relatives acting so abusive and cold, it makes me think that no one gives a damn about anything but their own realities. No one seems to listen to anything that is not what THEY think it's okay. So self centered, insensitive people... It pisses me off...


Well-known member
People are stupid, no one in my environment understands I don't wanna go out. Friends keep pushing me trying to force me out, don't go to family anymore & when I see my dad it's always: went out today ? no ! So he answers himself, really great actually, sometimes I just hang up from angryness. And my mum's telling me that my life is great... f*ck people.
I can't believe that something that seems it's so common is so misunderstood... I'm going to agree that a lot of people are dumb. Sometimes I wonder if anyone cares. From what i've read here about "friends" and even relatives acting so abusive and cold, it makes me think that no one gives a damn about anything but their own realities. No one seems to listen to anything that is not what THEY think it's okay. So self centered, insensitive people... It pisses me off...

This goes for all types of psychopathology though. Only really smart people can understand something that they have not experienced for themselves. So basically only those who have social phobia or those who haven't but are really intelligent thinkers will understand whats going on here.


Active member
Sadly people are very selfish, and unless they've gone through something themselves, they won't even begin to understand what it must feel like.
Sorry you have to be confronted by this sad fact of life. It SUCKS !!!
I hope you feel better
Maxine xx


Well-known member
yeah, a lot of people are dumb. you just have to keep away from them and get over it, haha... you can't expect people who aren't going through what you're going through to have any idea how it is.


Well-known member
I have suffered from this since I was thirteen,and I'm 29 now.I don't know but maybe I'm the only one who gets the stupid ?'s from people.Such as"Can't you just take a pill and make that go away?",or the one I absolutely love"It's all in your could make it go away if you wanted to".So I think to myself"YEAH...I really enjoy feeling like I'm going to faint,and actually fainting when in a crowd of people".I enjoy feeling as if I can't function or breath....I guess I could understand more if you ask about my disorder instead of thinking you know the cure for it.I could be talking to much soooo....Is it just me who feels this way??

Nope you are not the only one. My family even says stupid things like that to me even though they know how hard it is for me.
I made no friends in college because of the same thing and I have had long arguments with Medical doctors because of that. Yeah it might be in my mind but how can you just magically change something that you didn't want in the first place. When I was younger it seems like people were more understanding but the more time goes on people seem more and more ignorant towards the things they have never had to feel themselves.
Thats not always the case though. My sister is really intelligent. She got really high marks at University etc and yet she still does not get why/how the SA affects my life at all.
Her intellect helps her to want to understand but because she is sooooo outgoing, she just can't seem to grasp the concept.

True, well maybe smart was the wrong word or maybe its a different kind of intelligence im refferring to, but yea school smart wouldn't be it, maybe interpersonal intelligence? I'm not sure. But anyway I guess my main point was no one will completely understand the problem unless they have it but I would hope people who think enough would at least realize okay, you have problem here that you can't just fix overnight and stupid little wiseass suggestions are not going to help.